What Makes a Villian?

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(Cut to a high tech lab, Quentin is hard at work, experimenting with his suit while the Chameleon is polishing his gun. After a couple seconds, Quentin sits down in front of the Chameleon and takes a sip of water)

QUENTIN: "Hey, I gotta ask, what's in it for you? What's your motivation?"

CHAMELEON: "You like movies, right?" (Quentin nods) "Well think about the greatest villains in history...what...what do they usually do to the so-called hero?"

QUENTIN: "They make his life miserable."

CHAMELEON: "Bingo. I want to make all of these self-proclaimed heroes feel the pain I felt when I lost my brother!" (Calms himself down and sets gun on table) "My brother, Sergey, was a hunter. Every week, we would go up hunting, however I didn't know he was hiding something. We were up in Sekovia because of some special meeting he had. Guess who that meeting was with? Hydra. Anyways, I was waiting for him when suddenly the Apocalypse rained down on us, and who were the people who set forth this rain? The Avengers. Now after months of grieving, I thought to myself, are they going to avenge my brother? So I found myself testing with an organization run by some guy named Hive. It hurt, it really hurt...but my hatred and passion was what kept me going. And then, and then, and then, something went wrong and now I'm...this."

QUENTIN: "Hey, I didn't mean to push any buttons-"

CHAMELEON: "No, it's fine. I want to leave everything on the table...I get the feeling that this is the beginning of a long partnership."

QUENTIN: "I agree, and it starts tomorrow with that little webhead, Spider-Man."

CHAMELEON: "Agreed, comrade."

QUENTIN: "Have you ever considered the possibility of more additions to this group?"

CHAMELEON: "I have my eyes on a couple of prospects...how do you think I found you? But believe me, friend, there will be more..." (Smirks)

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