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^^Photo of Ashton/Blaze^^

I remain sitting there for a while. Eliza wakes up and joins me on the bottom bunk. I look at the clock 7:00 we've been here for 2 hours. I'm sitting cross legged and Eliza sits in my lap, and leans her small head on my shoulder. She whispers "why is he staring at us?" I look over to see him staring again. "I don't know Eliza" The main door to the cabin opens and the guy who took me from my house walks in.  "Ashton, come out here for a minute." The boy stands up and walks past me before me a quick glare. Ashton, so that's his name. It suits him and his dark curly hair and green eyes.

All of a sudden he walks back in and stands in a spot so we can all see him. "Right everyone stand up. I am the oldest here, so I have been appointed leader. My job is to make sure that everyone is doing the right thing. I won't be training you, but my job is to make sure that we are ready for when the upper half attacks. You will do as I say. Everyone understand me?" No one answers. "I said does everyone understand me?" He said that louder and more menacing. "Yes Ashton" he cringes at that name "oh and one more thing do not call me that, my name is Blaze around here." Why doesn't he like his own name. Eh, boys are confusing. I sit back down with Eliza next to me. One of the compound leaders walks in. "Ok everyone time for bed. Blaze will you turn out the lights?" He walks off, and Ash- I mean Blaze stands up and walks towards the light switch. Eliza quickly jumps from the top bunk and snuggles next to me. I laugh she's just too cute. "Alright lights out everyone" he flicks off the lights and walks over to is bed.

I jolt awake, it's pitch black. I look at the clock 2:35am ugh. Once my eyes adjust to the darkness, I see someone shaking. I stand up, and walk towards Blazes bunk, he's shaking. He must be in a dream. "No, no don't touch them" he's even speaking in his dream. I have to wake him up. I shake him. "Blaze wake up, Blaze." He jolts up and hits his head on the top bunk. He stands up and paces to the bathroom. I decide to follow. I decide to not say anything after what happened last time. "That same dream has been haunting me for 2 years" woah he's actually talking. "What happened?" He truly looks hurt. "No, I don't want to speak about it" he walks out and goes back into his bed. I do the same. Eliza snuggles back into me and I soon drift off to sleep.

I wake up in the morning and I look around. Most people are still asleep. I get up and head to the showers. I quickly wash my hair in the freezing water. I towel dry it a bit, and let my natural waves fall over my shoulders. I walk out of the showers and sit back on my bed. This is the last day to settle in, then we get into the real stuff. Most people are still sleeping. Eliza is curled into a ball in my bed wrapped under the blankets. It's 8am so I wake her up. I tap her "Eliza time to wake up" she turns over and smiles at me. "Can you do my hair for me?" Wow she woke up pretty quick "of course I can, what do you want" she shrugs her shoulders "whatever you want" I decide on two French braids in my head. So I part her hair down the middle, and section off one side. Just as I finish one side of the braid. Ashton walks out of the shower room, his hair is wet and soft curls are starting to form on the top of his head. He turns to look at me, and let's out what looks like a small smile when he sees me braiding Eliza's hair. But after a second he wipes the smile off his face, and he back to the emotionless Blaze.

Everyone in our cabin does nothing for the whole day. I met some new people. James with chocolate hair and matching eyes who's 12, and Amy with blonde hair and brown eyes who is 13. But I stuck with Eliza for the whole day. When we were even walking to the dining room to get lunch, she wouldn't let go of my hand. Everyone in our cabin smiled at the gesture, everyone except for Blaze because of the emotionless person that he is.

At the end of the day. We followed the same routine as last night. We hopped into bed, and Blaze turned out the lights. And Eliza slept with me as usual. All I could think about was the day ahead tomorrow, tomorrow the real training begins. It didn't take long before I fell to sleep.


Please let me know how you think the story is going so far. I would love to hear what you think. Xx

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