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The Story: At Hell In a Cell, Bailey successfully defended the Divas Championship, in a hellacious match against Abby Wyatt. That same night, Becky Lynch won the WWE Women's Championship from Charlotte.

The following night on RAW, the two Women began to have an argument over which Women's wrestler would carry the newly named Women's Division into the near future.

Shane McMahon then decided to make a match at Survivor Series, between Bailey and Becky Lynch. The catch? A Title for itle match.

On the final RAW before Survivor Series, Becky Lynch and Bailey were victorious in a Tag Team match, against The Beautiful People. After the Match, Becky Lynch and Bailey get into an intense staredown, hoisting both of their championships above. Who will carry the Women's division into the future?

Tale of the tapeBecky Lynch:Height: 5"6From: Dublin Ireland Signature Moves: Lass Plex, Four Leg Clover

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Tale of the tape
Becky Lynch:
Height: 5"6
From: Dublin Ireland
Signature Moves: Lass Plex, Four Leg Clover.
Finishing Moves: Dis-Arm-Her, Pumphandle Side Slam.
Career Highlights: WWE Women's Champion, NXT Women's Champion.

Bailey:Height: 5"6From: Orlando FloridaSignature Moves: Bailey-currana, Hug-Plex Finishing Moves: Rose Plant, Guillotine Choke

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Height: 5"6
From: Orlando Florida
Signature Moves: Bailey-currana, Hug-Plex
Finishing Moves: Rose Plant, Guillotine Choke.
Career Highlights: Divas Champion, NXT Women's Champion.

The Match: As the two Women stand face to face with each other, the crowd chants are split down the middle. Half cheer for Bailey, while the other half cheers for Becky Lynch. The two Women then lock up, and for the entire first half, neither have the advantage.

Bailey then manages to knock Becky out to the arena floor, and she hits a rolling senton off the ring apron, onto the "Irish Lass Kicker." Bailey then climbs on top of the German Announce Table, runs across the others, and she nails Becky with a Flying Clothesline, diving off of the Spanish Announce Table.

Bailey then places Becky back inside the ring, and she locks her in a body scissors. After a few minutes, Becky Lynch breaks out of the hold, but she is nailed with a dropkick from Bailey. Bailey goes for the cover, but Becky kicks out at two. Bailey then tries to hit a German Suplex, but Becky counters it into a German of her own.

Bailey then backs up into the corner, but Becky hits her with a running elbow to the face, stunning her. Becky then bounces off the ropes, and she hits a running inverted neckbreaker onto Bailey. Becky then goes for the cover, but Bailey kicks out at two.

Becky then goes to the top rope, and she attempts a top rope attack, but Bailey counters it into a powerslam, Bailey then quickly covers Becky, but Lynch kicks out at two. Bailey then stalks Becky for the Hug-Plex, but Becky quickly traps her in the Four Leg Clover. After being in the hold for two minutes, Bailey reverses it into a Texas Cloverleaf submission hold.

Becky Lynch then makes it to the ropes, after two minutes of excruciating pain. Bailey then tries to attack Becky, but Becky kicks Bailey in the gut, and she hits her with a devastating Lass Plex. Becky then goes to the top rope, and she hits a Moonsault onto Bailey. She then goes for the cover, but Bailey kicks out at two.

Becky then goes to the top rope again, but Bailey pushes her to the outside, sending her crashing into the Spanish Announce Table. As Becky leans on the table, Bailey goes to the top rope, and she hits a cross body onto Becky, sending them both through the Table. The referee then begins to count, as both women struggle to get back in the ring.

Both women managed to get back in the ring, at a count of nine however. Bailey and Becky then begin to trade elbows back and forth, until Bailey knocks Becky down with a straight kick to her face. Bailey then locks in the Guillotine Choke on Becky, in an attempt to make her tap out, but Becky reverses it into the Dis-Arm-Her. Bailey then powers out of the hold, and she locks in an STF on Becky Lynch.

Becky Lynch then makes it to the ropes, after being trapped in the hold for three minutes. Bailey then, from out of know where, hits Becky with a Hug-Plex. Bailey then goes for the cover, but Becky kicks out at two and A half. Bailey then places Becky on the top rope, and she attempts to hit a Bailey-currana, but Becky counters it into a Powerbomb, and she goes for the pin, but Bailey miraculously kicks out.

Becky Lynch then tries to lock in the Dis-Arm-Her, but Bailey counters it into the Guillotine Choke, Becky manages to get out of hold, by reaching the rope. Bailey then tries to attack, but Becky hits Bailey with a Pumphandle Side Slam. Becky then goes for the cover, but Bailey traps Lynch in the Guillotine Choke.

Becky Lynch then powered out of the Guillotine, but Becky then tries to lock in the Dis-Arm-Her, which Bailey reversed, and she finally Locks in a Rear Naked Choke, causing Becky Lynch to tap out.

Winner: and New WWE Women's Champion, Bailey.

After the Match: As Bailey celebrates the fact that she fused together the Divas and Women's Championships together, the WWE Universe was shocked to see the return of Ronda Rousey! Rousey knocks Bailey out with a roundhouse kick and she hoists up the Championship above her head, sending a dominant message.

Hey guys, sorry it took so long, but here is the first match! Comment your thoughts and show your love by voting. Also, support me in the Wattys this year guys, I would greatly appreciate it!

Peace and Love

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