Asylum Match

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The Story: At the Hell In a Cell event, John Cena narrowly defeated Abyss in a First Blood match, to retain his Intercontinental Championship. The following night on RAW Abyss launched a brutal attack on Cena, challenging the champ to a match at Survivor Series.

Over the weeks, Abyss played mind games with Cena, tormenting him endlessly, until he revealed to him the type of match that they will fight in.

It all came to a head on the final RAW before Survivor Series, where Abyss again attacked Cena, and laid him out with a Black Hole Slam. Abyss then announced that he and Cena would compete, in the first ever Asylum Match, where the only way to win, is by Pinfall or Submission.

Tale of the tape

John Cena:Height: 6"1Weight: 250 lbs From: West Newbury Massachusetts Signature Moves: Five Knuckle Shuffle, Springboard Stunner

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John Cena:
Height: 6"1
Weight: 250 lbs
From: West Newbury Massachusetts
Signature Moves: Five Knuckle Shuffle, Springboard Stunner.
Finishing Moves: Attitude Adjustment/FU, STF/STFU.
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Champion of Champions Title Holder, WWE Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, 2008 Royal Rumble Winner, 2012 Money In The Bank Winner.

Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Champion of Champions Title Holder, WWE Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, 2008 Royal Rumble Winner, 2012 Money In The Bank Winner

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Height: 6"8
Weight: 350 lbs
From: Parts Unknown
Signature Moves: Chokeslam, Running Splash
Finishing Moves: Shock Treatment, Black Hole Slam.

The Match: While Abyss makes his entrance, Cena attacks Abyss from behind, and he smashes Abyss' face into the cage wall. Cena then goes under the ring, and he gets out a Steel Chair. Cena then hits Abyss in the back, with the Steel Hair 5 times, before tossing him inside the Cage.

Cena then goes for a weapon, that is hanging from the top, but Abyss grabs him and he Powerbombs Cena on top of a Chair. Abyss then spends the entire first half of the match, man handling Cena, with various weapons, including a Kendo Stick, a Leather Strap and a Barb-wire Baseball Bat. Upon Abyss hitting Cena in the face with the Barb-wire Baseball Bat, Cena was busted open upon impact.

Abyss then starts grinding the bat into the open wound of Cena. Cena then rolls over into the corner, and Abyss hits Cena with his running splash, stunning him. Abyss then hits it a second time, bringing Cena down into the corner. Cena then gets up, and just when Abyss is about to hit the running splash again, Cena punches him, with Brass Knuckles that he got out of his pocket.

Cena then climbs the cage, and he retrieves a Steel Chair, wrapped in Barb-wire. Cena then hits Abyss three times in the back with the Barb-wire Chair, and every blow Abyss feels searing pain run up his spine. Cena then blasts Abyss in the skull, with the chair, busting him open instantly. Cena then scrapes the chair across Abyss face, opening his wound even more.

John then gets another Steel Chair and he places it on top of Abyss' face. Cena then goes to the top of the cage, and he hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle onto Abyss, while the Chair was on his face. Cena then goes out of the cage, and he brings in two tables from under the ring. Cena then sets them up next to each other, and he prepares to slam Abyss through them, with an Attitude Adjustment, but Abyss counters and he Chokeslams Cena through the two tables.

Abyss then hits Cena with a Shock Treatment, for a two count. Abyss then goes up to the cage, and grabs a pail. When he dumps the pail, it was revealed to be full of Thumb Tacks. Abyss tries to slam Cena on the tacks, but Cena counters pushing Abyss into the Cage wall. Cena then gets out handcuffs, and he cuffs Abyss to the wall.

Cena then takes a Kendo Stick, and he brutally hits Abyss over and over again, until the handcuffs gave away, under Abyss' weight. Cena then grabs the Barb-wire Baseball Bat, while Abyss grabs his Spiked Two-by-Four, named Janice. They then clashed weapons, but the weapons both broke from the sheer force of impact. Cena then goes for a Shoulder Tackle, but Abyss catches him with a Black Hole Slam into the Thumb Tacks. Abyss then goes for the cover, but Cena kicks out at two.

Abyss then takes the Steel Chair, and he sets it up in the corner. Abyss then tries to Irish Whip Cena into the Chair, but Cena counters it with one of his own, causing Abyss to crash into the Chair skull first. Cena then picks up Abyss, and he goes to the top rope, with Abyss on his shoulders. Cena then hits an Attitude Adjustment from the top rope, landing right into the Thumb Tacks. Cena then goes for the cover, and he gets the three count.

Winner: John Cena

After the match: Although Cena won the match, he was not able to walk away under his own power, so he was carried out on a stretcher to the back.

Wow guys, what a match! Comment your thoughts and I will see you soon!

Peace and Love

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