Undertaker vs Sting

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The Story: For 25 years, The Undertaker has cast a dark shadow over the WWE, and has dominated everyone that has stood in his way.

On the RAW after Hell In a Cell, The Undertaker appeared to address the WWE Universe, until Sting emerged.

In one of the most memorable moments of the program, Sting proposed a match with The Undertaker at Survivor Series. Undertaker accepted, by Chokeslaming Sting. It was announced later, that their match would have no disqualifications and no count outs.

For weeks, the two legends played mind games with each other, trying to get a psychological edge on one another, ending with Sting getting the upper hand, hitting a Scorpion Death Drop on The Phenom himself. The WWE Universe is in for a match unlike any other, Undertaker vs Sting.

Tale of the tape

The UndertakerHeight: 6"10

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The Undertaker
Height: 6"10.5
Weight: 299 lbs
From: Death Valley
Signature Moves: Old School, Chokeslam
Finishing Moves: TombstonePiledriver, The Last Ride, Hells Gate
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Champion of Champions Title Holder, WWE Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, 2007 Royal Rumble Winner, Undefeated at WrestleMania (23-0)

5Weight: 299 lbsFrom: Death ValleySignature Moves: Old School, ChokeslamFinishing Moves: TombstonePiledriver, The Last Ride, Hells GateCareer Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Champion of Champions Title Holder, WWE Tag Team Ch...

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Height: 6"2
Weight: 250 lbs
From: Venice Beach, California
Signature Moves: Stinger Splash, Tombstone Piledriver.
Finishing Moves: Scorpion Death Drop, Scorpion Deathlock
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, WCW Champion, Champion of Champions Title Holder, 2015 King of The Ring winner, NWA Champion, World Tag Team Champion.

Entrance of Undertaker

The Match: As the Bell rings, Sting backs Undertaker into the corner, and he unloads a flurry of strikes against the Deadman. Undertaker then tosses Sting into the corner, and he strikes back, punching the icon repeatedly and knocking him down with a hard right hand to the jaw.

Undertaker then begins to dictate the pace of the match, slowly picking Sting apart, piece by piece. As Sting lays on the ring apron, Undertaker hits him with a vicious leg drop. Undertaker then continues the attack on Sting, wearing him down.

Sting then manages to fight back, by slamming Undertaker's head into the Announce Table. Sting then sends Undertaker body first into the Steel Steps, before sending him back into the ring. Sting would then begin to take it to the Undertaker, by hitting him with various high impact Moves.

Sting then goes to the top rope, and he tries to Axe Handle the Undertaker, but Undertaker catches him with a Chokeslam. Undertaker then goes for the cover, but Sting kicks out at two.

Undertaker then Clotheslines Sting out of the ring, and he prepares to dive over the top rope, but Sting punches him on the apron, and he DDT's Undertaker on the apron.

Sting then goes into the ring, and he dives over the top rope, taking down The Undertaker. Sting then takes the Undertaker around to the Announce Table and he tries to slam him through it, but Undertaker grabs Sting by the throat, and he Chokeslams the Icon through the Announce Table.

Moments later, Sting crawls to the ringside Barricade, and Undertaker gets a Television monitor. Undertaker misses with the monitor, allowing Sting to perform a Stinger Splash, causing The Undertaker to go through the Barricade.

Sting then gets the Undertaker in the ring and he goes for the cover, but The Deadman kicks out at two.

Sting then goes for another Stinger Splash, but Undertaker dodges, and he hits him with a splash of his own. Taker then follows it up with Snake Eyes, and a Big Boot, ending it with a leg drop. Undertaker then signals for the Last Ride.

He attempts it, but Sting counters it into the Scorpion Deathlock. After three minutes of being trapped in the hold, Undertaker locks in Hells Gate, by turning on his back, and countering Sting. Sting then reverses it into a pinfall attempt, but Taker kicks out at two.

Undertaker then sets Sting up for the Last Ride, but Sting backs up Undertaker into the turnbuckle. Sting then hits a Stinger Splash on Undertaker, following up with a second one.

Sting then begins to punch Undertaker over and over, while standing on the second rope. Suddenly, Undertaker grabs Sting, and he hits him with the Last Ride. Undertaker then goes for the cover, but Sting kicks out at two. Undertaker then calls for the Tombstone Piledriver.

Undertaker then attempts the move, but Sting counters it into a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting goes for the cover, but Undertaker kicks out at two. Sting then goes to the top rope, and he attempts a cross body, but Undertaker catches him, and he hits the Tombstone Piledriver.

Undertaker then covers Sting, but the Icon kicked out a Two! Undertaker then tries it again, but Sting counters it into a DDT. Sting then hits another Scorpion Death Drop on The Undertaker, but he doesn't go for the cover. Sting then mocks The Undertaker, and he hits him with a Tombstone Piledriver!

Sting then covers the Undertaker, but Undertaker sits up at two! Sting then dropkicks the Undertaker, knocking him down. Sting then gets out his trademark baseball bat, and he tries to strike Undertaker, but the Deadman grabs Sting by the throat, and he hits a second Chokeslam.

Undertaker then grabs the baseball bat, and he hits Sting in the face, knocking him unconscious. Undertaker then signals for the end, and he hits Sting with a second Tombstone Piledriver, getting the three count, and putting this match to rest.

Winner: The Undertaker

Hey guys, what was your thought on this match? Comment and let me know!

Thanks for reading, and I will see you soon!

Peace and Love

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