Chey vs Edge

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The Story: At Hell In a Cell, Chey Taylor defeated Bray Wyatt In a barbaric Hell In a Cell match. The following night on RAW, Chey a dressed the WWE Universe that he is back, and ready to be at the top once again.

Shane McMahon, however, tells Chey that he was a marked man, ever since Wrestlemania 31. He then tells Chey, that every PPV, it will be a challenge to see who can beat him, the first candidate? Edge.

Edge and Chey have fought before, but it was never any high stakes, but now Edge has a chance to defeat the man, who retired Triple H.

Tale of the Tape
Height: 6"5
Weight: 241 lbs
From: Toronto Ontario, Canada
Signature Moves: Edge caution, Edge-O-Matic.
Finishing Moves: Spear, Edgecator.
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, 2001 King of the Ring Winner, 2005 Money In The Bank Winner, 2010 Royal Rumble Winner, 2012 WWE Hall of Famer.

Chey Taylor:
Height: 6"4
Weight: 276 lbs
From: Detroit, Michigan
Residing in: Miami, Florida
Signature Moves: Spinebuster, Sweet Chin Music, Springboard Superman Punch.
Finishing Moves: Underworld Drop, Pedigree, Kimura Lock.
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Champion of Champions Title Holder, WWE Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, Three Time Royal Rumble Winner, Money In The Bank Winner, King of the Mountain Winner (2014).

The Match: Edge and Chey start to slowly battle for the upper hand, but it always ends in a stalemate. Chey then traps Edge in a headlock, trying to wear down the former GM of WWE. Chey then Irish whips Edge into the ropes, and he drops Edge with a graceful Dropkick. Chey then goes for the cover, but Edge kicks out at one. Chey then tries to hit a German Suplex on Edge, but Edge lands on his feet, and he kicks Chey in the face. Edge goes for the cover, but Chey kicks out at one.

Edge then places Chey in the headlock, in attempt to wear down "The New Face of Anarchy." Chey then gets to his feet, and he elbows Edge in the gut three times. Chey then hits Edge with a German Suplex, causing Edge to roll out of the ring. As soon as Edge gets on the Apron, Chey then hits a Suicide Spear on Edge, to the outside. Chey then throws Edge into the steel steps, shoulder first.

Chey then tries to attack Edge, but Edge sidesteps Chey, and he runs shoulder first into the Barricade. Edge then places Chey into the ring, and he continues to wear him down. While Edge places Chey into a Sleeper Hold, Chey slips out and he hits a Tiger Suplex on Edge. Chey then begins to stomp on Edge's exposed body parts, before hitting a Elbow Drop to his face. Chey then goes for the cover, but Edge kicks out at two.

Chey then grabs Edge, and he hits a Triple Gutwrench Suplex, to the shock of everyone. Chey then transitions it into an Armbar. After a few minutes, Edge manages to counter it into the Edgecator. Chey then reverses it into a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Edge gets to the ropes. Chey then prepares to hit a Spinebuster on Edge, but Edge counters it into an Edgecution. Edge then goes for the cover, but Chey kicks out at two.

Edge then makes Chey sit up, and he kicks him in the face. Edge then goes to the top rope, but Chey meets him there and he hits a devastating Exploder Suplex, sending Edge halfway across the ring. Chey then goes for the cover, but Edge kicks out at two.

Chey then pulls Edge into the center of the ring, and he goes to the top rope. Chey then stuns the WWE Universe, by hitting a picture perfect Moonsault onto Edge. Chey then tries to hit the Underworld Drop on Edge, but Edge counters it into an Edge-O-Matic. Edge then quickly covers Chey, but before the ref could make his count, Chey rolls through, and he locks Edge in a Rear Naked Choke.

After three minutes of being in the hold, Edge finally manages to break out, and he hits Chey with his own Underworld Drop. Edge then stalks Chey, attempting to hit the Spear, but Chey catches him with a Spinebuster. Chey then stalks Edge, and he attempts to hit the Pedigree, but Edge hits an inverted neckbreaker onto Chey. Edge then goes for the cover, but Chey counters it into the Kimura Lock. Edge, after several minutes in the hold, manages to escape, and he hits Chey with a devastating Spear. Edge goes for the cover, but Chey kicked out at two and a half.

Chey then rolls out to the ring apron. Edge manages to grab him, but Chey punches Edge in the face, and he hits a Springboard Superman Punch, to the shock of the people. Chey then hits a Pedigree on Edge, but Edge kicks out at two and a half.

Chey then stalks Edge for another Pedigree, but Edge hits another Edgecution. Edge then charges at Chey for a Spear, but Chey leaps in the air, and he hits a Pedigree, from out of nowhere. Chey then covers Edge, and he gets the three.

Winner: Chey Taylor

Don't forget to smash that Vote button before you go, and I will see you soon.

Peace and Love

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