Inferno Match

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The Story: At Hell In a Cell, Sean Mercer retained the World Heavyweight Championship, against Seth Rollins, in a brutal Hell In a Cell match.

The following night on RAW, Mercer was attacked by Kane, who Chokeslams the champion through the Announce Table. Kane then proposed a match with Mercer, for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Mercer would go on to accept, and he gave Kane freedom to choose any match he wanted, Kane then revealed that the match would be an Inferno Match, where the winner must be the one, to set his opponent on fire. Can Mercer survive in the belly of the beast?

Tale of the tape:
Sean Mercer
Height: 6"3
Weight: 245 lbs
From: Sanford, North Carolina
Signature Moves: Corkscrew Elbow Drop, Punishment Breaker.
Finishing Moves: Batman Strike, Final Execution.
Career Highlights: World Heavyweight Champion, United States Champion, 2015 King of The Mountain winner, Eliminated 13 men in the Royal Rumble.

Height: 7"0
Weight: 328 lbs
From: Parts Unknown
Signature Moves: Diving Clothesline, Sidewalk Slam.
Finishing Moves: Chokeslam From Hell, Tombstone Piledriver.
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, World Tag Team Champion, Eliminated 11 Superstars in the 2001 Royal Rumble match.

The Match: When Kane made his Entrance, Mercer attacks him from behind and the two engage in a brawl. Kane then throws Mercer into the Barricade and he throws him into the ring.

Kane then does a taunt that lights up the flames around the ring, and he continues to attack Mercer. Mercer then begins to fight back, and he hits Kane with a Powerslam that makes the flames flare up around the ring.

Mercer then begins to wear down Kane for five minutes with Various attacks. Moments later, as Mercer tries a running attack against Kane, The Big Red Machine catches him with a spinning side slam. Kane then tries to force Mercer into the flames, But Mercer fights out of it.

Mercer then hits Kane with right hands, attempting to gain momentum. Mercer then bounces off the ropes, only to get hit with a Big Boot by Kane. Kane then throws Mercer into the corner, and he mercilessly attacks him with multiple strikes.

Kane then puts Mercer onto the top rope, and he attempts to Chokeslam him to the mat, but Mercer fights out of it, and he hits Kane with a Spiral Cross Body. Mercer then makes a comeback against Kane, and the fans begin to rally behind him.

Mercer then hits Kane with a scoop slam, and he bounces off of the ropes for a huge Corkscrew Elbow Drop on Kane. Mercer then takes out his Night stick, and he prepares to hit Kane.

As Mercer rushes towards Kane, The Big Red Machine grabs Mercer by the throat and he hits him with a thunderous Chokeslam. Kane then gets an evil smile on his face, and he tears off the turnbuckle pad.

Kane then goes near the flames and he sets the pad on fire. Kane then turns around, and Mercer hits him with a Nightstick to the skull. Mercer then throws the turnbuckle pad away, and he pushes Kane towards the fire.

As Kane fights out, Mercer then tosses him over the flames to the outside, near the Announce Table. Mercer then tries an over head dive, but Kane quickly turns it into a Chokeslam, that sends Mercer crashing through the Announce Table.

After Kane catches his breath, Kane then grabs a television monitor, and he attempts to hit Mercer in the face, but Mercer kicks Kane in the midsection, steals the monitor and he cracks the monitor across the skull of Kane. Mercer then grabs Kane, and he throws him through the ringside Barricade.

As the crowd erupts, Mercer gets out a Thermal Cloth Cover, and he covers the entrance side of the ring apron, putting the flames out on that side. Mercer then pulls out a Table and two Steel Chairs from underneath the ring.

As Mercer sets up the Table, Kane sits up from the rubble that he was left in. Mercer then goes out of the ring, and he grabs Kane throwing him back into the ring. Mercer then sets up two Steel Chairs next to each other, and he attempts to Powerbomb Kane through them, but Kane counters with a Back Body Drop, sending Mercer through the Steel Chairs.

Kane then grabs a bottle of Lighter Fluid, from the outside of the ring, and he begins to douse the Table with the contents. Kane then lights a match, and he sets the Table on Fire.

As Mercer struggles to his feet, Kane then goes to the top rope and he attempts a Flying Clothesline, but Mercer catches him with a Batman Strike in mid-air. Mercer then grabs Kane, and he Powerbombs Kane through the Flaming Table, setting Kane on fire, thus winning the Match!

Winner and still World Heavyweight Champion: Sean Mercer

Hey guys, what did you think of this firey encounter? Sound off in the comments.

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon.

Peace and Love

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