"So, what do we do now that Josh is dead?" Ansley says bluntly and Jake gives her a look. "I mean, there's a killer on this island and he's already killed everyone, it's just a matter of time before he or she comes for us right?" I stand up, not even dusting myself off with full anger
"You are so inconsiderate you know that?" I snap and she chuckles
"I've been told that a couple of times in my life, yes" I slap her
"I am so sick and tired of your bullying! Your a bitch! A cold hearted self centered bitch! He's not the one who deserved to die, you are!" I shout with tears in my eyes while walking into the woods where we found Josh's body.
I hear footsteps behind me and knowing its Jake, I turn around and shout "stop following me!"
"No I won't. After what's happened, nobody is going anywhere unattended. Now what the hell are you doing back here"
"I'm looking for clues"
"Clues for what?" He asks confused and I point to a foot print. "Do you think that's Josh's?" I shake my head
"It can't be, as stupid as this is, Josh had tiny feet and this print looks big enough to be a thirteen, look there are more" I point to the tracks of the footprints and follow, hoping that it will lead to where Josh was being held.
As we are following the steps, Jake stops "What? Why'd you stop?" He points to a tree that has something carved into it. I walk over to the tree and read the carving... It says: FOR ALEX with an arrow pointing down. I look at the floor and see a camera. I pick it up and press play
I almost gasp at the sight, it's Josh tied up to a chair and he has stitches on his chest, that's weird why would a killer cut him just to stitch him up again?
"Say hello Joshy because it'll probably be the last time you see your friends again, unless you follow my orders" Damn you can't even tell if it's a girl or a guy because they are using a voice modifier.
"W-what do you want from me?" Josh says groggily and the person chuckles
"You know we could have avoided all of this if Carson wouldn't have been so stupid. She just had to go and save you five because you are all precious to her sister, we fought and I killed her. So do as I say"
"And if I don't?" Josh says as the guy (let's just call him Harold) comes toward Josh, Harold points a gun at Josh and Josh spits at him
"Just shoot me!" Josh shouts and he smirks
"As you wish" Harold says and Josh closes his eyes and all you can hear is the noise of the trigger clicking. Josh opens his eyes and only to see Harold laughing
"You didn't think I was going to let you die right? I can't let you die. Yet. For now, you can just sit here and ponder about Amy"
"How do you know Amy?!" He doesn't respond, instead he just chuckles and fades back into the darkness.
"Josh's death was just the beginning, wait till you see what's coming Alex" The video stops and I have a look of pure anger and hatred on my face
"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" I shout so that the whole island can hear me and Jake pulls me down from the tree stump I am standing on.
"What are you doing?" He whispers and I smirk
"I'm LETTING THIS BITCH KNOW THAT WHOEVER HE IS HE BETTER BRING IT! COME GET ME BITCH!" I scream while holding out my arms and someone shoots an arrow and just as its about to hit me, Jake catches it.
"let the war begin"
JugendliteraturThey never expected this to happen, I knew something bad was coming because of what my sister (a psychic) said. She's lucky. She stayed home. It all started that one day, my eighteenth birthday aka the worst day of my life. ---- Five students are st...