Chapter 7- Why Does Jake Look Like He's Seen A Ghost?

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We run as fast as we can back to the camp and once Ansley and Max see our expressions their smiles turn into frowns.

"Why are you laughing? And why does Jake look like he's seen a ghost?"

"Well that's because we are at war and being hunted by the monster that did all of this. He killed Carson because Carson wanted to save the five of us because apparently we are special to each other. And then he killed Josh by making him suffer, then he hung him in the tree and how do I know all of this? The bastard left a video showing all of it" Ansley raises an eyebrow

"Then why are you smiling?"

"Because I want to kill whoever is doing this and I want to know why and once I know why, I wanna watch them suffer like all of those people did" I start laughing now and it becomes uncontrollable. Ansley looks at Jake and he nods as if it's code for something. They look at Max and he nods and bends down to me.

"Lex, you need to calm down. You are having another breakdown and if you keep doing this you are going to go into shock and we don't have the supplies to get you back from that" Max says Calmly and I look at them

"You know what? Maybe I am crazy? One thing is for sure, I am crazier than whoever this bitch that is trying to kill us is" I get up and walk back into the woods

"What are you doing?" Ansley whispers and I smirk

"I'll handle it. You guys just hide" I say with a wink and I start laughing and let out a big scream. "BRING IT ON BITCH! IM READY FOR YOU!" I shout at the top of my lungs and an arrow shoots at me but it nearly misses me. I chuckle again

"Is that all you got?" I shout as more obstacles come and I dodge them by doing gymnastics and just plain old catching them. Once the arrows stop coming, I start walking away, I see the frightened look on Ansley's face and turn around to catch the arrow that was coming for the back of my head.

"YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY CRAZY BITCH AROUND HERE!" I shout while running back to camp as the rest of them follow.

"What... The hell... Was that?" Ansley asks out of breath and I smirk

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me princess" she crosses her arms

"Oh really? Like what?"

"Well I am a singer, dancer, gymnast, math genius, and I am highly trained in self defense" her jaw drops open

"Wow" Her and Jake say in unison. They think they know me but they don't. All through middle school and high school, Max and I have been bullied (mostly Max) and judged just because we aren't the same. Everyone thinks that he's just a nerd and I am just a hot dare devil, but there's so much more than that.

"Yup, if you and your minions would have stopped and tried to get to know me instead of judge me then maybe you would know. Max and I have to teach you what we know-"

"Max knows all of what you just did too?" Ansley asks, still shocked and I nod.

"Well if we are going to do all of this then we have to find water first, we have been able to get food but we are nothing without water" Jake says and Max raises his hand

"That's where I come in, I can create a solar water sill and we can have water within a few hours"

"You think it will work?" Ansley asks and he nods

"It's our only chance otherwise we will be dead by the end of this week" While Max worked on the solar water thingy, I started teaching Jake and Ansley some self defense moves.

"Okay Ansley, Jake is going to come at you at you are going to defend yourself with the moves I taught you" I say and she nods. Jake lunges at her and she screams and puts her hands up, Jake swoops her foot and she groans in anger

"This is useless!" She sighs in anger and I shake my head.

"This is not useless! This is your choice between life and death. You are a warrior, I know you can do this!" I shout like a coach and she takes a deep breath. I know that she can do this, I may hate her but I don't want to lose anyone else. I can't.

"Try again" she doesn't move. "I said get up!" I shout, this time my voice increasing at an overprotective tone and she looks at me like she's afraid

"And who are you to tell me what to do?"

"I'm helping you live, or would you rather die?-"

"I'm too pretty to die-"

"Then I suggest you get the hell up and try again. Pretend he is Jonathan" I can already see the anger in her eyes. I know that Jonathan is a touchy subject for her, I mean she was dating him for a week and the guy wanted to get with her. When she told him no, he went on and told the whole school that she slept with him, but of course because our school is one of the messed up schools on earth, both of them only became more popular.

"Alright, ready go!" I shout and before Jake could even swing, Ansley jumps and kicks him causing him to fall on the floor. He tries to drop kick her but she jumps over his leg and cartwheels over him.

"Time!" I call just as she's about to basically break his arm.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" She shouts. I think that the lack of water is calling all of us to hallucinate, I think she believes that Jake is Jonathan.

"Stop! Ansley stop, he's not Jonathan! It's Jake! Remember how you like Jake?" She starts breathing heavy and then she falls on her knees and starts crying.

"I think it's best if you try to help Max, I'm going to go talk to her" I whisper to Jake and he walks off. I make my way over to a now hyperventilating Ansley and kneel beside her.

"Hey, you're too pretty to cry. A stupid boy is not worth the tears" I manage to wipe away her tears but she shakes her head

"I loved him... He broke my heart. He told the whole school that we did it when we didn't and now everyone expects to to be something in not! God I hate my life!" She carries on

"It's not so fun having people pick on you is it?" She shakes her head and I smirk. "That is what you've been doing to me, especially for the past four years. This probably won't make you feel any better, but you have made my life a living hell. You did to me exactly what Jonathan did to you" I feel bad that I'm letting my anger out on her now but she has to get it through her brain that she can't treat people like that.

"I'm sorry, I guess I was just jealous because you have Jake wrapped around your finger and you had Josh for a while until-" she looks at my face and then she sighs "I'm sorry, how are you holding up?"

"Barley, but I am managing. I'm focusing on getting revenge on whoever did this to everyone I care about. It's all I can do, Max is the only real family I have left and then there's you and Jake and yeah" She hugs me

"I wanna start over. Maybe we can be friends, and if we get out of all of this then maybe I could completely reinvent myself, with your help of course" I smile

"I'd love too. Now let's focus on surviving, I know we can get through this mess" I grab her hands and pull her back up, we walk back to Max and Jake.

"We got water!" Max says while motioning for us to come over so we go running over and I sigh in relief and start laughing for joy. We each grab a leaf and drink. I feel a refreshing wave of water making my dehydration go away.

Once we all are finished drinking, we plop on the sand and start laughing. "You know this isn't so bad being stuck here with you guys" Ansley says causing all of us to smile

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but same here" We spent the rest of the night laughing and enjoying each other's company.

I wish Josh were here.

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