Chapter 20- I Thought You Were One

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I am woken up by someone knocking on my door. "Alexandra, it is time for group therapy, will you be joining us?" I shake my head at the guy nurse, this must be Derek.

He sits on the chair next my bed and says "it's not that bad here if that's what you're worried about"

"I'm not worried" I snap causing him to chuckle.

"I know why you got sent here. Just know that if you want to talk, I'm here. I'm Derek" I wave.

"Alex. Now don't you have a group therapy to host?"

"Nah I'm an intern. I'm just learning from all of the other nurses and doctors. You are my first patient that they allowed me to watch over, it's kind of cool actually even though it's temporary" he scratches the back of my head causing me to crack a smile.

"Why would you want to be a doctor here?"

"Because I love to help people that really need it. Well that and I hate needles and blood so being a regular doctor was not part of my resumé" I chuckle.

"Alright you have a point there"

"So what did you like to do before you know, the accident?" He asks nervously and I chuckle as memories pop into my head.

"Well I was voted class daredevil because I would literally do anything. You name it, I've done it. I had two siblings and a mom that I loved. I had my best friend Josh. I had Blake hitting on me and Ansley bullying me. My life was somewhat perfect..."

"I'm sorry if I hit a nerve-"

"No you didn't. Don't worry about it. So since you are going to be watching me like a hawk the next two months, tell me about yourself"

"What would you like to know?" He shrugs in an ask me anything manner so I do.

"Well, you obviously don't have kids and are not married. So what do you like to do when you're not here"

"How do you know I'm not married?" I point to his hand and say "I'm observant. Now tell me Derek, what are you like outside of these walls?" I ask intrigued causing him to smile.

"Well I am turning 19 in two months. Outside of these walls I am just a normal guy. I like to skateboard and take risks also and you are right, I'm not married nor do I have a girlfriend. And coincidentally I go to the same college that you are going to this fall" I smirk. Well maybe this will be fun after all.

"Why would you drive an hour just for work?"

"Because this is where they sent me for my internship and I love my job. My turn. Are you single? And what is your favorite thing to do besides dares" I smirk as a faint blush rises to my cheeks.

"To answer that question, yes I am and I guess I like skateboarding and roller coasters" Jake and I never got together after the island, we never talked about it and he's been distant. Two can play at that game.

"Cool-" he checks a small black box that keeps beeping which in guessing is his pager and sighs. "I have to go, there's a fight in therapy and I have to go help. I'll see you tomorrow Alex"

"Bye Derek." He walks out leaving me with my thoughts.

Jake and Ansley are probably making our right now. I mean Ansley's always been after Jake and who could blame her? He's hot, he's nice, he's all of the things that a guy should be.

And who can blame Jake for wanting her? She's all of the things I am not. She's amazing, and she goes for what she wants.

Stop it! You're awesome and amazing and cool and-

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