2. Finding Nemo Eating Bacon and Pears Ice Cream

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      I am currently sitting on my couch, regretting my choice of grabbing the random ice cream and high tailing it out of the store. Why, you may ask? Because I got the horrible ice cream flavor of "Bacon and Pears."  Like who does that?

      I plug my nose and take another spoonful, trying not to be wasteful, when the doorbell rings. I unplug my nose, gag from the taste, and stumble to the door. Considering it's a Saturday night, my moms at work, and I'm dressed like a hobo, I feel bad for whoever's on the other side of the door. I open the door and stare in shock. There, stands my best friend Brooke.

"What in the world are you doing here?" I interrogate.

"Nice to see you too..." Brooke sarcastically responds and gives me a hug.

"Haha very funny. But seriously, weren't you supposed to get back from Hawaii next week?"

"Well yea, but I missed my best friend so much, I made my mom buy earlier plane tickets so I can come back and see her." Brooke jokes.

"I know I'm fabulous and all, but what actually happened?" I ask and chuckle from her joke.

"My moms job needed her ASAP, so we got the next plane back and, poof! Here I am. That and since school starts again this Monday, my mom didn't want me missing my first few days of school."

    Brooke's family goes on vacation to their beach house in Hawaii every summer. I would go with them, and I have before, but this year I decided to stay back with my mom and keep her company. With me being the only child, and dad gone, she could use the company. My dad went off to work one night, but he never came back. Some say he was killed, while others say he just left me and my mom to fend for ourselves. The first year was horrible. Since I was little I never understood what was happening but as I got older, I did. It's been about nine years. I'm now 17, he left when I was only eight.

"So, what movie you watchin'?" Brooke asks as she steps inside.

"Finding Nemo..." I mumble and look down.

"I'm sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you." Brooke teases and cuffs her hand over her ear.

"I SAID IM  WATCHING FINDING NEMO!" I scream into her ear making her jump back and fall to the floor.

"Some best friend you are..." Brooke mumbles as she stands up and stumbles over to the couch.

"What did you say? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you." I mock, and Brooke just sticks her tongue out and reaches for the ice cream.

   I smirk and walk over to the reclining chair as Brooke takes a spoonful of the ice cream and puts it in her mouth.

"What kind is this?" She calmly asks.

"Bacon and pear..."

"Why in the world would you buy this?"

"I was a little distracted at the time..."

"Distracted, you say?"


"Does a guy have anything to do with this nasty creation currently poisoning my stomach right now?"

"What? Nooooo..."

"I bet Nemo would love this..."

"What are you-"

      Brooke suddenly stands up and runs over to my fish tank that holds my fish Nemo... Okay, maybe I am obsessed. Brooke gets a small spoonful and before I can protest, she plops it into the bowl.

"NEMO DONT DO IT. DON'T TOUCH THE BUTT!!" I scream, hoping he would understand.

     Sure enough, he swims to the top of the bowl, and starts eating the ice cream. I stare shocked, and glare at Brooke, who is currently rolling on the floor laughing at my innocent little fishy.

"H-he ate the b-butt instead." Brooke manages to stutter out, still laughing.

"Brooke! That disgusting butt-tasting ice cream could kill my little baby!! If Nemo is dead, who am I supposed to take to prom?!" I yell and frantically scoop the ice cream out of the fish bowl.

      Brooke wipes stray tears from her eyes and looks at me seriously.

"Okay, now seriously, who was the guy that pretty much caused you to buy that poor excuse of ice cream?" Brooke questions.

"Honestly, I don't know..." I say, and twiddle my thumbs.

"What the fudge?"

"Here, let me explain. "

And so I did.



Drumroll pleaseeeee

That's a picture of the mysterious blue-eyed boy. Hope ya'll like him XD

That was chapter two!! I really hope you guys like it. This is actually my first story I'm doing on my own and I really hope it's not bad and stuff... So yea. I'll try and update soon!

Xoxo - Batman

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