27. Dude, You're Whipped!

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      •Important Authors Note at the end. (And that's Connors promise ring.)•

Connor's POV

"Dude, what if she doesn't like it?" I yell frantically, keeping a sturdy hold on the small ring in my hand.

"She'll love it. I might just take your idea and get a promise ring for Avery too, you wouldn't be mad, right?" Ryder asks, scratching the back of his head.

I just chuckle and shake my head. "I don't mind at all! Guys do it all the time anyways."

Ryder breathes a sigh of relief. "Okay good, because I already picked up a ring set and everything."

"Let me see!" I demand.

Ryder just laughs and pulls a small box out of his pocket. "Okay okay, calm down."

He sheepishly opens the box and in the box sits a gorgeous pair of rings

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He sheepishly opens the box and in the box sits a gorgeous pair of rings.

"Because, uh... Ya know, Avery holds the other half of my heart..." Ryder stutters, his cheeks turning red.

"Dude, you're whipped!" I tease.

"It's not being whipped, it's respecting your girlfriend. And you got yours a promise ring too... So just shut the frick up." Ryder scolds. He does have a point though. I kept my mouth shut and Ryder took that as some sort of victory since he wears a proud grin on his face.  I just give him a playful shove and head to my car, ditching Ryder and heading over to Brooke's. As I'm backing out of Ryder's driveway, I see him laughing and giving me the finger. I just shake my head laughing and honk the horn, making him jump.
      On the drive to Brooke's house, I'm thinking of ways I could give her the ring. Should I just give it to her? Maybe I could take her on a walk or something... Ugh. Ryder is way better at these things, maybe I shouldn't have pissed him off.  I pull into her driveway and walk up to her front door with the ring in my pocket. I take a shaky breath and knock on the door. Brooke's mom opened the door and greeted me with a smile.

I give her a nervous smile. "Hello Mrs. Sadie. Is Brooke here? I really have to see her."

"Of course, dear. Is everything alright?" She asks, concerned.

"Yea... I just want to give her something." I tell her honestly.

"Okay sweetie... She's in her room. I think she's gonna love it." She says, whispering the last part.

      I smile. Moms always know what's going on. I thank her and head up to Brooke's room. I hear loud music being played in her room, and after I've knocked about five times, I decided that she couldn't hear me and that I should just walk in. Walking in, I see Brooke dancing on her bed, making her sheets a crumpled mess. She always looked perfect though. She was dressed in a black night gown that said "sleep all day," on it.

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