12. So you Got a Bodyguard, and I Got a Date this Friday.

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      Waking up bright and early on a Tuesday morning isn't as great as it seemed.  However, I wanted to look nice today so I stumbled out of bed and picked out a cute outfit.  It consisted of a cute white top with little white cotton-ball-like things hanging from it, with a sunflower skirt. I topped the outfit off with a cute necklace and my tan wedges.  I just decided to straighten my hair so it would look nice, and not get knotted at the same time.

      After blowing Nemo a kiss and doing my usual morning routine, I jumped into Dory and headed to school.  Once I pulled into the parking lot, I see Brooke running up to the car (or at least trying to run.) She was wearing a gorgeous flowered dress, with a beautiful necklace and cute pink heels.  As soon as she reached my car she opened my door and pulled me out of my car.  She drags me around the school and I instantly stop dead in my tracks once I see what was happening.

"How could you ever do that to her?!" Ryder shouts, and punches Dylan in the jaw, making an ear-splitting cracking sound.  Dylan spits blood onto the floor, and right before he can lunge at Ryder, I jump in the middle of the both of them, taking the fall for Ryder.

     I fall to the ground with Dylan on top of me, slapping my face.  I get one good punch in to Dylan before I hear someone scream.

"AVERY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ryder screams.

      Ryder pulls Dylan off of me and pins him up against the school wall, threatening him that if he were to ever hurt me again, Ryder would kill him. Ryder used words I'd rather not repeat.

      Once it looked like Dylan was about to pass out, I get off the floor and run over to Ryder,  starting to pull him off of Dylan.

"Ryder, stop... Please." I beg him. 

      Once Ryder heard my voice, he relaxed and turned to me, his eyes softening.  However, once he saw the cut on my cheek, his eyes turned cold again and he gave Dylan one more good punch before taking my hand and leading me away from the crowd that seemed to form around us.  He led me into the girls bathroom, not caring if he gets caught or not.  Ryder picked me up and placed me on the counter, and winced when he saw the cut on my cheek, along with the bruise that was starting to form.  Ryder got a paper towel, and placed it under the water.  Once the towel was soaked, he placed it on my cheek, cleaning up the blood.  I bit my lip, trying not to whimper from the pain that spread across my face.  Ryder pulled the towel away and looked into my eyes.

"Avery, what did I say about biting your lip?" Ryder asks, his eyes darkening. 

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to make the pain go away..." I whisper.

      Ryder nods and gently runs his thumb across my good cheek, smiling weakly.

"Why'd you step in front of me when Dylan was about to attack?" Ryder asks softly.

"Because, I couldn't just sit back and watch you get hurt for me.  It would have been more painful watching it." I tell him honestly. 

Ryder just nods and tilts my head so our heads are only a few inches away from each other. 

"How did you know it was him?" I whisper, asking Ryder. 

Ryder sighs, defeated.

"It was Brooke..."  I nod, and immediately pull away, hopping off the counter,  storming out of the bathroom. 

Finding her at her locker, I run up to her and spin her around so she can face me.

"How could you?" I hiss at her.

"What are you- oh wait never mind. You're talking about the Dylan thing right?" Brooke says.

"Yes!" I shout at her.

"Ave, listen to me. Ryder knew that you would have told me who it was, so he asked Connor for my number and he called me.  Ryder told me that if I told him, he would promise to protect you and not let Dylan hurt you anymore.  He promised that, and he promised me a date with Connor.  So you got a bodyguard, and I got a date this Friday." Brooke rushes out, obviously nervous about my reaction.

      Sighing, I nod my head in understanding.  Honestly, if I were in her situation, I would have done the same thing. I would have tried to protect my friend and get a date with a nice guy (cough cough, Ryder.)

"Okay, I'm not mad at you..." I mumble.

      Brooke screeches and gives me a giant hug.  I just laugh and hug her back, happy that we are on good terms.

      After me and Brooke had our discussion, we both had to get our books and head to our first class. I walked into class and heads turned when the saw me.  I sat in my usual seat, seeing that Ryder wasn't here yet.  When the door opened, Ryder entered and quickly took a seat next to me, giving me a small smile.  He took my hand under the desk and held it the rest of class, gently rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand the whole time.

When the bell rang, Ryder pulled me up from my seat and led me to our next class. This is what he did the whole day. Even if I had to use the restroom, he would wait outside the door for me. It was really cute how he was overprotective.

Brooke was right. I did get a bodyguard. But maybe we could be more.


Hello my fellow fishies! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. There is so much drama I hope it isn't too cliche for you. I might update later once I get home from school and actually write the chapter, so it might be late once it's published.

Xoxo - Batman

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