16. Cuddle Bug

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      I wake up the next morning and feel something heavy wrapped around my waist.  Cracking my eyes open slightly, I see that it's Ryder.  Smiling, I snuggle closer and bury my head in the crook of his neck.  Ryder chuckles, making his chest rumble slightly. 

"Never knew you were a cuddle bug." Ryder says, pulling me closer to him.  Holy Fishies, that morning voice... I probably just melted. 

"Y-yea... I guess I'm a cuddle bug..." I stutter, my face turning bright red.

"At least you're a cute cuddle bug." He compliments, poking my nose and tightening his arms around my waist.  My face just turns a brighter shade of red, and I hide myself under the blankets.  Ryder pulls the blankets off of me, and looks at my face. 

"Oh... Is my cuddle bug blushing?" He teases.

"No..." I huff, crossing my arms.

"I think she was..." He says, before he comes over and tickles me.  I laugh hysterically, and try to get him to stop, but fail. 

"Stop!! R-Ryder!!" I manage to stutter out.

"Nope. Only if you give me a kiss." He compromises.

"Okay... Okay!" I agree, trying to stop the laughter.

      Ryder stops tickling me and once I get my breathing under control, he pulls me to him and makes me sit on his lap, facing him.  He places a gentle hand on my cheek, and pulls my face closer to his, my breath hitching in my throat.  Not taking the wait anymore, I crash my lips to his, kissing him passionately.  As soon as we kissed, fireworks went off throughout my body.  It felt like me and Ryder were made for each other.   Before things get too crazy, I pull away biting my lip.  Ryder just groans looking at it.

"Food?" I ask him, breathless. 

"Yea... Thought you'd be my breakfast though." He teases with a wink.

I slap his arm and stand up, walking over to his dresser.

"Do you have any spare clothes I can put on?" I ask him.

"Of course, what's mine is yours." He says, winking.

      I chuckle and watch him take out a shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. He hands them to me and I look over to the bathroom, starting to walk towards it.

"You could always just change right here." He suggests.

"Nope, nice try... I'll be in the bathroom." I shout over my shoulder as I walk across the room and into the bathroom.

After changing into Ryder's huge clothes, I freshen up and make my way downstairs.  Once again, I see Ryder making breakfast, Brooke and Connor must still be asleep. I walk up behind Ryder and wrap my arms around his waist, resting my head on his back. He tensed, but started to relax once he realized that it's just me.

"I have an idea." Ryder says out of the blue.

"What's the idea?" I ask him.

"I can finish making the food for Brooke and Connor, and we can go out to breakfast together. Just me and you." Ryder explains, his eyes twinkling.

"You mean as a date?" I question.

"Well, I wanted our date to be more fancy and stuff... But if you don't want to do that... I'd understand." Ryder rambles.

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