14. I Want To Go Shoot People!

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It was currently Saturday, and Brooke was over my house telling me everything about her date with Connor.

"-and then he took me to see The Notebook after we got ice cream. The best part was that it was a drive-in movie. It's like me and him were made for each other, Ave! He even asked me to be his girlfriend... How could I say no to a guy like him?!" Brooke rambles on like a lovesick puppy.

"Wow Brooke, that sounds awesome! Congrats, you guys are perfect together!" I chuckle as I try and sound enthusiastic.

Brooke just laughs and shakes her head at me. She looked up and saw the photo booth photos hanging in a little frame on the wall, and slowly turns her head to look at me.

"Ave, what is this?" Brooke asks me.

"Oh... It was nothing..."

"You're lying. If it was nothing, you would have thrown the photos out, but instead you hung them on your freaking wall. Now spill!" Brooke demands.

"Okay, so after you left to go on your date, Ry-"

I was soon cut off by my doorbell. Brooke and I walk downstairs, say "Hi" to Nemo, and make our way to the front door. Opening the door, I see Ryder and Connor.

"What are you guys doing here?" Brooke asks them.

"What I can't see my girlfriend?" Connor questions back.

Brooke just giggles. "No you can see your girlfriend whenever you want."

"Good." Was all Connor said before he walked in and took Brooke into a hug. Ew, I hate watching other couples be all lovey-dovey.

Turning around, I see Ryder staring at me.

"What did you guys come here for?" I ask him, blushing.

"We wanted to know if you guys could join us for a game of laser tag." Ryder explains.

"That would be awesome! I absolutely love laser tag, sucks for you cause I'm the best at it." I boast.

"Actually, it doesn't suck for me... You are going to be on my team."

"What are you tal-"

"Connor said that he wants to be on Brooke's team when we were talking about this in the car. Since Connor and Brooke are together on a team, that makes us a team, sunshine." Ryder cuts me off with a smirk.

"Fine." I huff.

"I just need to get changed... If I'm going to be playing laser tag, I need to look badass, and be well hidden at the same time." I explain, winking at him as I walk away. Walking past Brooke and Connor, I pull Brooke by the arm and lead her upstairs so we could get changed.

After looking through all the clothes I own, me and Brooke finally find something to wear. Brooke found a black crop top, with a pair of baggy black sweatpants. She decided to just leave her hair down. Me on the other hand, found a cute crop top black sweater thingy, with a pair of black skinny jeans. Instead of wearing my hair down, I'm braiding it into a nice fishtail braid.

Once we got dressed and all freshened up, we made our way downstairs. When we reached the bottom, the guys looked at us, and their jaws hit the floor.

"Well damn, you cleanup well." Ryder manages to mumble out.

"Yup, now let's go! I want to go shoot people!" I say, trying to scare everyone.

We all piled into Ryder's car, with him driving, and me sitting in the passengers seat. Brooke and Connor were in the back together, Brooke was pretty much sitting in Connors lap the whole time... Disgusting? Hell yes.

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