9. Anything for you, Princess

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After passing the gates once we got our tickets, I stared in amazement. I haven't been to one of these in forever. Ryder takes my hand and leads me through the crowd, pointing at different things to do. I point to a little basketball game and Ryder smirks, leading me toward it. 

"How much is it to shoot three?" I ask.

"About $5.50." The guy grumbles. Reaching into my purse, I begin to pull out a ten, when Ryder places his hand on mine, stopping me.

"I got this baby doll.  Now, what do you want here?" Ryder says with a small grin on his face.

"How about... Hmm... A teddy bear." I decide smiling widely.

"If you want a teddy bear, then that's what you're getting." He tells me, determined.

      I nod and watch closely as the guy hands Ryder three basketballs, and stand there amazed when Ryder gets them perfectly through the hoop every time. 

"Wow man, that was pretty sick.  Pick out a teddy bear." The guy behind the counter says, shocked by how well Ryder did.

"Hey Ave, which one do you want?" Ryder asks me.

I point to a big fluffy one, smiling widely.

"She wants that one." Ryder tells the man, pointing to the bear.

"Sorry dude, you can only get that one if you shoot five baskets, you only did three.  If you want to get that one, you need to shoot two more, and that would be another $3." The guy informs us.

      Ryder hands the man three more dollars, and shoots the baskets with ease.  The guy hands me the teddy bear and I walk away grinning and hugging the bear.

"Ryder, you really didn't have to do that. I could've picked out a smaller one." I tell him honestly.

"I wanted to.  And I told you, if you wanted the bear, then that's what you're going to get.  And you did." Ryder told me, smiling.

"Well thank you... That was very sweet of you." I thank him, blushing slightly.

"Anything for you, princess." Ryder flirts, winking at me.

      I just chuckle and whack him with my teddy bear.  Ryder takes my hand and leads me to the Ferris wheel.

"I don't know about the Ferris Wheel Ryder, I don't really like heights..." I mumble, ashamed of my fear.

"Hey, don't worry.  You are going to be perfectly fine with me.  Would I ever let anything happen to you?" Ryder assures me and squeezes my hand trying to calm me down.  I shake my head, answering his question without speaking, not trusting my voice.

      After waiting in line, Ryder leads me into the cart, taking a seat across from me.  As the cart starts to slowly move upward, my breath hitches in my throat, and I start squirming in my seat. 

Ryder pats the seat next to him.

"Ave, come sit next to me."

After I took a few deep breaths, I made my way over to him. Once I sat down I propped my feet up on the seat across from me and looked at the floor, afraid to see how high up we were. 

      Noticing my frantic stage, Ryder pulls me into his arms and comforts me.

"Remember what I said? I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Not now, not ever baby doll." Ryder assures me.

      I just smile a little and bury my face in his chest, waiting for the ride to be over. 

      After the ride ends, Ryder pulls me to my feet and guides me off the ride. Once I stopped shaking and my breathing went back to normal, we went and got cotton-candy, with Ryder insisting (once again) that he would pay for it.  This whole time, not once did I let go of the teddy bear Ryder won for me. I decided to name it Squirt.

      A few more games, and a lot of food later, we were heading back to my car.  Ryder opened my door for me, and I thanked him, getting settled in my seat. As soon as Ryder was in his seat and buckled, he started the car and we were off, back to my house.  My mom probably wasn't even home yet.  She would stay late,  and leave early the next morning. 

    After pulling into my driveway, Ryder quickly unbuckles his seatbelt and rushes to my side of the car.  As he opened my door for me, I thanked him once again, stepping out of the car with Squirt placed in my arms.  Being the gentleman he is, he walked me to my front door. 

"I had such a great time today, thank you." I thank Ryder, meaning every word I said. 

"Anytime sunshine." Ryder says as he closes the gap between us and places a tender kiss on my cheek.  With that he walks away, back to his car that has been sitting in my driveway since this morning.

    Walking inside, I shut the door and lean against it.  Placing a hand on the cheek he kissed me, I sigh and I try to fight off the blush that is fighting it's way onto my cheeks.  What was this guy doing to me?

Ugh, damn you Ryder.


      Hey my fellow fishies!! Sorry, this was a hella short chapter. But don't worry, once I have more time on my hands, I'll update maybe twice a day and the chapters will definitely be longer.

Xoxo - Batman

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