How It All Started

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(Y/N)'s POV
Oh how I wish I had a normal life. But unfortunately the world just doesn't seem to like me. My name is (y/n). Right now, well let's just say I'm running away from home. Should be pretty easy right? Especially since I defiantly don't want to be there right now. Well, again with the world not liking me, because right now I'm currently being chased by our royal guards. Did I forget to mention that I'm princess of the demon realm. Also the reason I'm running away is because I don't want to be queen. I mean don't get me wrong, being queen would be amazing, but not in my kingdom. In my kingdom, being queen means killing and destruction. Not only that but I'd be forced to marry someone I don't know nor love.

As I continue to run I start to feel pretty tired. I could consider myself very athletic and stuff like that because, well we don't want a princess, soon to be queen that was weak. But I've been running for hours. Not only that but the guards I mentioned earlier, aren't just normal guards. Their our wolf familiars. Normally they'd listen to me and stop but, my father gave them the order. Being the king he is, I have no power to overrule his decision. "I think I finally lost them." I said. Is I walk a little further I still feel quite tired.

Then all of a sudden I see a mansion up ahead. It looks pretty deserted so I continue towards it. As I walk closer I start to get an uneasy feeling. I reach the front door and knock. No answer. I go to knock again but it suddenly opens all on its own. "Hello?" I ask as I walk in. No answer again. Then out of nowhere I see a man lying on the couch. What caught my attention was his bright red hair. I start to walk towards him when all of a sudden I am pinned back against the door. "Hhmm. Another one." He said then looked down. "Well at least your not like chichinashi." He says with a smirk. I finally realize what he was looking at and push him off while covering my chest. "Pervert" I mumble under my breath. "HOW DARE YOU PUSH OFF YOURS TRULY!?" He yells. 'Yours truly' really? I think.

When he was about to move again, another guy with glasses shows up and tells him to stop. "Ayato." He says. 'Ayato' so that's his name. Then all of a sudden four more men and a girl appear out of nowhere. 'Gosh, how many men are there'. I thought. One of the men walk up to me with a cheeky little smirk. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" The guy with the fedora asked as he started to sling his arm around my neck. He looks a little like that 'Ayato' guy. I didn't like him being so close to me so I quickly pushed him off. "Don't touch me." I semi growled at him. "Oh, a feisty one. I like you." The one in the fedora said. "Urasai." I suddenly look to my right and see a guy with shaggy golden locks, lying down where Ayato was when I entered. 'He looks kinda cute.' I thought. 'NO (Y/N)! Don't think that way. You don't even know these people'.

My attention was brought back to me when I heard a cough. "Excuse me miss but who are you and why are you here?" I think for a little while trying to decide what to tell them. I understand that uneasy feeling I got when I first approached the mansion. 'Their vampires'. I though. I've seen their kind before. In fact I'm part vampire. 'But I don't think I should tell them that'. "Well" the guy in glasses asked. I can tell he's getting impatient.

     "My name is (y/n)." I answer. "Sigh, and what is your business here?". He asked another question. "I was just wandering the woods and I ended up here." I replied. Another sigh from him. "She looks like she'd make a lovely doll, don't you agree teddy? Can we keep her Reiji?". A boy with purple hair and a teddy bear asked. "Very well." 'Wait. WHAT!?' I screamed in my head. "My name is Reiji. Second oldest". The one with glasses says. He then points to the pervert with the fedora. "That's Liato" he then points to 'Ayato'. "That's Ayato. I believe you two have been aquatinted already". He then points to the one with the teddy bear. "And Kanato. Those three are the triplets". He then points to the albino in the corner who looks like he doesn't want to be here. "That's Subaru." 'Like the car' I thought. Then all of a sudden I hear an angry growl. "I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING. ITS NOT LIKE THE CAR!" Ohh, I'm guessing he's the tsundere in the family. " And the deadbeat in the corner is the oldest of the Sakamaki brothers, Shu." I look back over to Shu to see his beautiful sleeping figure. 'STOP THINKING THAT'. I look at him again to see he has ear buds in his ear. 'Is he a music lover?' I think.

All of a sudden my head turns back to Reiji when he says, "And this young lady is miss Yui Komori" She looks to scared and pale. She must be their sacrificial bride. I've heard a few things about the Sakamaki brothers before, but I never expected to meet them. "Welcome to the mansion (y/n). From now on while you are staying here you will do as we say, and if you don't... Their will be a heavy punishment."

     I look at him shocked. What have I gotten myself into?

Well that was longer than expected. Anyways this is my first fanfiction so please don't judge. Basically what I'm doing with this story is writing down whatever I daydream. I have a wild imagination.

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