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First off before we start I'd like to thank everyone for OVER 1k READS!!! Yay!!

Ayato: Don't get your hopes up. People still don't enjoy your presence.

Shut up you perv and let me properly thank the readers!

Shuu: Too noisy. Just continue the story.

Reiji: *scoff* Deadbeat

End of the Day

After I finished my little "tour" around the school I headed back towards my classroom in hopes to get there before Reiji does. 'Im screwed.' Was the last thing I thought before an angry glasses wearing prick turned its head towards me to give me a good scold.

"(Y/n). Where have you been!? Why did you not attend your classes?! I swear the amount of manners you have--" and he continued, but somewhere along the line I tuned out all noises. That was until I heard Kanato's voice whispering , "I knew he'd find out." Reiji's head snapped words them. "Of course I would find out! And where were you three!? You were supposed to keep an eye on her." He told the triplets annoying.

¨We were gonna but by the time we felt like it she had already turned the corner." Said Laito. ¨YOUR A FREAKING VAMPIRE!! HOW COULD SHE HAVE ESCAPED YOU!?" Yelled Subaru probably upset that he's still in school 20 minutes after it ended. "Eh." Was all the triples replied with along with a shrug.

"Can we go now? I'm tired and I need a nap. Or food." I said with a groan. So much for keeping up my cold image. But I think annoying them could work too. As we continue walking I caught a familiar sent.

I froze stopping in the middle of the hall. "Impossible. Do tell me that--" before I could finish my thoughts I was interrupted. "MELONS!! Come on we don't have all day!!" Ayato yelled from the other end of the hall. Slowly taking steps forward I reach them with a serious and confused expression.

So deep in my thoughts I barely herd Yui speak to me. "(Y/n)- san. What's wrong? It looked like you were starting to open up." I quickly glared at her. "Why would I open up to a bunch of filthy vampires and a useless human like yourself." I snapped. Being too frustrated to try and keep up my good act I walk faster without apologizing.

"Miss (y/n). That was very rude. An attitude like that should get you punished." Reiji said to me with a scoff. I glared at him as well. "Can it you prick!" I yelled at him. Shockingly he stopped. They all did with slight fear in their eyes. That's when I realized that my anger was getting the best of me and I was letting my aura slip. Being a higher rank than them my power should strike fear in their unbeating hearts. But I can't let them know.

Taking a deep breath I sighed yet again. " I apologize for my rudeness Reiji. Something just came over me and I don't know what happened. As punishment and apology I will volunteer to make dinner for everyone so you may rest." I tried reasoning. "Normally I wouldn't accept such a simple punishment. But considering I could use a little rest I shall agree. Now come the limo is waiting." Reiji said as they all regained their composure from the fright I gave them.

Slowly nodding my head I silently continue after them. Just before I enter the limo I see a head of dark blue hair quickly duck into the woods. *sniff*. I was right.

     "He's here."

YAY I FINALLY UPDATED!! I started this chapter a LONG time ago but I still forgot about this story. Also NEW CHARACTER yay!! Hmmm I wonder who it could be*smirk*. Anyways that you again for over 1k reads and don't forget to comment, vote and check out my other stories.

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