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I stood there looking shocked for a second processing what I just heard. "Welcome to the mansion (y/n). From now on while you are staying here you will do as we say, and if you don't... their will be a heavy punishment." I don't like showing weakness to anyone, my dad said if I was weak then I would deserve the punishment I would receive, so I quickly changed my shocked expression to a stoic one. "Sorry but I have somewhere else to be, and more important things to do." I say with a bored tone.

     "Do you now? Are you sure you don't want to spend more time with us bitch-chan? Laito said with his 'oh so playful smirk' as he slowly approached me. "BACK OFF YOU HENTAI!!" I growled quickly starting to get upset. "MISS (Y/N)! Now I may not like my brothers presence but you have no right to talk to one of your new masters like that." Reiji said. "MASTER?!" I yelled. "LIKE HELL I'M GONNA BE OWNED BY SOMEONE, MORE OR LESS SIX VAMPIRES!" I yelled out before I had time to properly process what I was going to say.

     They all looked at me with a shocked expression. Even the Yui girl. "Oops" i said a smirk starting to grow on my face. I wasn't scared of them. I knew I could have easily taken them all, but when I get into a situation where I don't know what to do, I either smirk or put on my usual strait face. "...How could you... have possibly known that?" Reiji asked, his shocked expression slowly turning into a glare. 'THINK QUICKLY (Y/N)' I yelled in my head.

    "Well for starters..." I began. "When you guys talk I can see your fangs pointing out. Also, when that hentai over there was trying to feel me up I couldn't feel his heart beat when he was trying to press up against my back. Plus I can see bite marks on that girls neck." I said. I wasn't entirely lying. It was the truth, just not the whole truth. Again they had a shocked expression but it left just as quickly as it came, changing into a little bit of anger when they realized their mistake. "Well" Ayato said. "Now that you know our secret you have no choice but to stay with us." He said with a devilish smirk. Oh how I really hate this one. "Sorry but I've---" "Got plans." he cut me off. "What plans?" I open my mouth to answer when I suddenly had remembered why I was here in the first place. I ran away. The royal guards had almost found me again. Even more honestly than I was before, I have actually been on the run for quite a few years due to an even rougher past than being next in line for ruler of the demon realm and all the killing I will have to do.

But I don't want to get into that now. I have more important problems like the fact that I literally have nowhere else to go. This is probably one of the worst decisions I am ever going to make, and I know I will regret it later.

     I look back at Ayato. "Alright" I say with a strait face, just wanting to leave the room full of vampires. He was taken aback for literally half a second before his smirk came back. It is literally taking all I have in me not to punch him in the face. "Sweet." He says. His face has 'victorious' written all over it and is looking at me like i'm the biggest idiot in the world. He's probably right, but at least if they try to bite me I can knee them right were the sun doesn't shine. Unlike that Yui girl I will fight back. She looks so weak and defenseless. Oh well shes not my problem. Plus who knows this might be fun. I take a step back and smirk at the Sakamaki's. 'Game On', I say in my head.

WOW! That was longer than expected. Then again you never know what to expect with me. Sorry if there any mistakes. Leave a comment of what you think. Bye~

               ~Izzy- Chan

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