When Fiona awoke she was in the middle of the forest she could feel the eerie air on the back of her neck like someone or something is watching, stalking her. She knew the best thing to was try and fight the creature. She reached back for her sword, but it wasn't there and her back pack was gone as well. Fiona looked down to relies that she didn't look the ways she normally did her skin was paler and she was skinnier. Her cloths were even different, she was wearing along night cotton dress.
"Uh how am I supposed to do anyth-."
Fiona stopped mid sentence. Her voice wasn't the same. She some how knew that this was her body but she wasn't the only one in it. Fiona got chills just before she felt a phantom hand rest on her shoulder. Something inside her told her to run fast, faster then she ever had before.
Fiona started running she could feel her heart pounding she could feel it in her ears. Tree branches were catching on her dress ripping it ad cutting her skin. Fiona was running for what felt like ages as if there was nothing she could do to get away from this thing. After what felt like the thousandth branch that had cut her, her foot found a rock and she fell heavily th the floor.
Fiona pushed herself up so she could get a look a her predator. As soon as she saw his face she screamed.
Then she woke up, covered in sleep sweat she was once again drenched. Fiona was panting trying to go over what had just happened.Just as she had come to a conclusion Marshall Lee slammed the door open looking like he was ready to kill anything in the room. Which ony made her scream more.
Marshall quickly realized that Fiona was scared of him. Fiona is scared of me. He repeated over and over again in his mind.
"Fiona, whats wrong."
"When was the last time you ate a human?" She asked hesitantly.
Marshall flew over to the end of the bed careful to not actually touch it.
"Well," He started rubbing the back of his neck with his hand."It was about 400 years before you were the last one. I think that was when I was living in Europe. The Vampires there didn't really like that stuff."
"Did you ever chase a girl in the woods at nigh?"t she asked.
"What." Marshall was starting to worry. "Fiona did you just have a dream?"
"Y-yes." Fiona stuttered.
"Tell me everything about the dream in as much detail as possible." He said now sitting on the bed.
Fiona then sat there for close to an hour as so told him about every branch that hit her, every howl of a wolf, what the moon looked like. But she stopped right before she got to the part when she turned around and saw the face of Marshall.
Marshall knew what was coming next and didn't press her for any more information. He simply got off the bed and looked her in the eyes and simply said.
"I think I found out the cause of your wound. Fiona don't freak because it will only get worse. But you are cursed."
And with that she blacked out.
Fiolee,This Could Work
FanficMarshall Lee- Do I love her? Yes. I remember the day i finally realized i did. It was the day she saved us from the Linch. I have never seen a more powerful strong willed person in my life, all 900 years of it. And that was the moment I fell for he...