I wake up the next morning to the sound of my alarm. Again. Not really a surprise because I set it for 7:00 every morning Monday through Friday. I wake up in a good mood remembering what happened yesterday. It was one of the best days I've had in a while. You might not think so, but It was fore me. I got to spend the whole day with my best friend, got to skip school and go to the mall instead, dye my hair and, I didn't see Tristan. So yah. That is considered a good day.
I change into some high-waisted jeans and a really cute crop top. I wanted to choose something that would look nice with my new haircut. Just before I leave I text Kailey.
Hey u need a ride to school?
nah. im good. ill take mines
k. u need one after school?
yah. sure.
"Bye Mom!" I yell right before I head out the door. "Bye!" she responds. I was a little surprised to hear her respond. I thought she would be at work. I grab my keys and drive to school. As I'm driving, I glance at the clock. It's only 7:50. I'm super early. I'll go to Starbucks.
"Hi. What can I get for you?"Says the nice guy taking my order.
"Hi!" I say cheerfully. "Can i have a Venti passion tango teavana tea with thai walls?" I ask.
"Sure! Can I have a name?" He asks
"Umm... Diana" Why did I have to think about what my name was? I thought to myself.
"Okay. Here is your receipt."
"Thank you."
I move to the side to let the person behind me order. I looked to the side and saw the absolute worse person I could possibly see right now. Tristan Miles. Great! I think to myself. Maybe he wont see me. Wait, I am wearing a fucking crop top and skinny jeans. Of course he is going to notice me. He was looking at his phone, probably on instagram. He practically lives there. Almost a thousand followers and an average of 600 likes per photo. I start to walk to the other side of the cafe right when they finish making my drink and call my name. When they call my name, I see his head come up and look around. Oh shit. I walk fast to grab my drink. I thank the person then start to walk out. I feel Tristan looking at me but, to my surprise, he doesn't say anything to me. Right before I step out the door I glance at him. He's looking at me. I rush out the door. As I'm driving to school, my mind starts racing. Why didn't he say anything to me? He usually would say something to make me mad or something to annoy me. Does he like me? I guess he is kinda cute. Wait, What?!? Stop thinking like that! He is a Asshole, a Dick, a Fuckboi. Why the hell am I thinking like this? He probably doesn't like me anyway. Maybe he was in a good mood too. IDK. Just let it go Diana.
"Hey Ana." Kailey says as soon as I get to class.
"Hi Kailey. I went to Starbucks this morning and saw Tristan there. He looked at me, but he didn't say anything demeaning or something to make me mad. Is that weird?" I ask her.
"Nah, Maybe he just torments us to look good in front of his friends. Boys do that. Just watch, He is probably gonna do something to piss you or us off later. If he does, that proves my point. God, I hate guys like that." She assures me.
"Yah" I say with a little laugh.
At lunch, we go to sit in our usual seats, me on one side, Kailey next to me and all our other friends around us. I pull out my phone, cuz this is like the only time we get to use it, and I have like 50 notifications. Most from instagram, and some from Snapchat. I got like 4 new followers.
I clicked on all their profiles to figure out who they were before I accepted them. I tap on the first persons profile, but he had a private profile. I was looking at his profile picture to try to figure out who it was. Holy shit! It's Jake! Holy shit! I haven't seen him in so long!!!
Jake was my childhood friend since like, before we were born! Lol. Not litterally, but we've spent every second together. Our parents were good friends. But when we were in 2nd grade he moved away. I missed him so much! He was my first friend. I cried for a whole day after he left. Then I met Kailey, and everything was OK. He was like my older brother. I instantly accepted his follow request and DM him.
Omg!! Jake, its Diana. I haven't seen you in so long!! We need to hang out some time!!
Sent 12:17 pm
Read 12:18 pmHey Diana!! How are you doing? I missed you so much! We will definitely be hanging out a lot. Next week me and my family are moving back!
Omg!! I'm so excited! What school are you going to?
I'm going to Glidden Highschool. I must have smiled so big because Kailey asked me if I was OK.
"Yah I'm fine. My friend Jake from when we were kids is moving back and Im so excited! He is coming to our school!" I responded back to her.
"Oh. That's cool." She said. She didn't sound to excited.
"Don't worry! You will still be my best friend! You worry to much!" I assured her. She just gave me a half-hearted smile.
Yay!! I go here, so I can show you around when you come. That sucks, your coming in mid-year. I reply to Jake.
Yah. I'm kinda nervous. But I'm glad I will have a friend I can depend on!! :)
The bell rang as soon as I read the message.
Yah, no worries! You can depend on me! :))
I turn my phone off, put it in my pocket, and started heading to my next class. Fuck. Tristan's in my next class.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a/n
Hey so, idk if I'm going to continue the story. I'm not getting many views and idk if I can continue out the plot line. So yah, byeee!!

13 Days
RomanceDiana Haley is a 15 year old girl at Glidden Highschool who constantly gets bullied. One day her bully takes one of his pranks to far and causes her to go into a coma. While in this coma, her bully.. Hey guys, so this is my first book, so don't be...