Dedicated to 02Land because she inspired me to write this
"Hey Diana!" says my best friend Kailey.
"Hey Kailey" I reply.
"Soo... How was it?" she asks
"Was what?"
She was talking about the concert my favorite band Bangtan boys (BTS) recently had.
"Oh. It was fun I guess..." I reply half-hartedly.
"Oh. It was fun I guess... Come on Ana! I wanna hear all the good stuff! How were they live? Did you get any of their autographs? Were their any cute boys???"
Ana was the nickname she gave me in Kindergarten when we were learning how to write. She didn't know how to right an D or an I yet, and she wanted to put me into the sentence we were writing so she just put Ana.
"They were AMAZING live, I got Namjooon, and Jungkookies autographs and, I was looking at the members of the band. Not the boys in the crowd. You already told me your opinion on the members." I respond a little annoyed.
I was never the type to go mad over boys since all I've ever known them for doing is avoiding me. All except for one. Tristan Miles. Tristan Miles was constantly making my life a living Hell. He would continuously taunt me. Once in 6th grade he dumped his lunch plate all over my head and told me "You got something on you face there." NO SHIT SHERLOCK! I wonder how that got there! I thought. Of course I didn't say that. He would have figured out a way to use that against me.
I have yet to figure out why he makes my life a living hell. Maybe because the thing I did in 2nd grade. I accidentally put flowers on his dragon drawing that took him all class to make. What? It was so dark and scary I had to make it look happier! Or in 4th grade when I spilled water on his shorts and it looked like he pee'd his pants. For the whole week people were teasing him. I felt so bad! I never meant for that to happen. But that shouldn't give him a reason to bully me all the freaking time!
"Geez, calm down! I was just wondering."
"Look who it is..." She says gesturing behind me.
I turn around and see him. Tristan.
"Oh God!" I said disgusted "Look away. Maybe he wont see us."
"Hey losers," says Tristan, with a evil smirk on his face.
"Hey asshole," Kailey responds rolling her eyes.
"That wasn't very polite was it?" He responds. "You really think that she cares if she was polite or not?" I snap back at him. "Damn. Feisty no? You on your period?"
"HOW DARE YOU!!" Kailey says defending me. "You NEVER ask a girl that!"
"Do you honestly think I care?" He asks getting in her face.
"OOOH BOY!! You better get that ratchet-ass face out of my face or I WILL BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF-"
"OOK. Kailey it's time to go now." I say pulling her away.
"Good thing you have Diana to control you, cuz I would have fucked you up bitch!"
"Girl! You need to calm the fuck down. He isn't worth our time."
The bell rang and we walked to our next class, Social Studies. Fortunately Tristan isn't in our class. I would have skipped class today. Kailey and I have all our classes together. We are sooo thankful for that. But, it can also have its down sides. We constantly get in trouble for talking and laughing to much, and not paying attention. God, why is my life so hard? Speaking of hard, I didn't do my homework last night because of that concert.
"OK class, please take out your homework from last night. I am coming around to collect it" said Mrs. Jenkins. When she came around to me, I told her I didn't have it and that I would get it to her by the end of the day. Because she likes me, she said ok, but she will not accept it tomorrow.It took what felt like forever for the day to go by. Finally, the last bell rang at 2:30.
Fuck! I forgot to do my Social Studies! I thought to myself. I sprinted to the library and saw Tristan there. Fuck. Don't look at him. Turn the other way. Sit on the opposite side of the library. I sprinted towards the other side of the room. Unfortunately he went to look for a book and saw me there.
"Look who we have here." Tristan chuckled.
"Leave me alone please. I just need to do my paper then I will go." I beg.
"Now, why would I do that? You way to fun to pick on."
Uggh. Just walk away. Just walk away. I say to myself. I stood up and started to walk away but he grabs my arm. I jump at his touch, not expecting it.
"Where do you think your going?" He says
"Away from you" I respond, "obviously" I mutter under my breath. Then break his hold and run towards Mrs. Jenkins' Class. I hand her my paper and walk home.
"Hey mom" I yell as I enter the house. There was no reply. Hello, she has the night shift at the hospital tonight. I think. I went into the kitchen and found a note on the refrigerator.
Hey hun,
Sorry Im not home
At the hospital again
There is food in the fridge for dinner if your hungry.
I should be home by 2 am
- MomMom was been working a lot of night shifts lately. Ever since dad died about a month ago. It seems like she doesn't do anything but work anymore. I'm worried about her, but I'm not sure what to do to help her.
I walk upstairs to my room and change into sweat pants and a t-shirt, fall onto my bed and fall asleep, exhausted from the day.

13 Days
Roman d'amourDiana Haley is a 15 year old girl at Glidden Highschool who constantly gets bullied. One day her bully takes one of his pranks to far and causes her to go into a coma. While in this coma, her bully.. Hey guys, so this is my first book, so don't be...