BEEP BEEP. snooze. BEEP BEEP. snooze. BEEP BEEP BEEP. Shit! It's 7:50! School starts at 8:00!!
I jump out of bed and put on a random shirt and some jeans out of my dresser. I quickly brush my teeth and throw my hair up into a bun. I run down stairs and grab a granola bar out of the cupboard. "Bye, mom!" I yell as I head out the door. I hear no reply and turn back to the house. "MOM? MOM?" I ran around the house scared shitless looking for her. "Mom?" I found her on her bed, passed out with an empty Vodka bottle and a picture of my dad in her hand. I took the bottle out of her hand and threw it into the recycling and put the picture on her dresser and covered her with a blanket. I just remembered that I was late for school then sprinted out of the house and sped down in my car.
"Small kine late yah?" says Kailey when I arrived at 8:15.
"Shut up. I'm here aren't I?"
"Ok, Ok."
We walked into our first class for the day.
"Aye! Look who it is. Tweedledee and Tweedledum." Tristan exclaims. Everyone breaks out in laughter.
"Who are you? The Queen of Hearts? That's why your head is so big!" Kailey attacks back.
"Yah bitch. Just as big as my dick!" He fires back at her.
"Oh God."
"Come on Kailey, lets just ignore them and go to our seats." I say.
"OK class. Today we are going to do more practice with trigonometry." said our math teacher. Everyone groaned and mumbled things when she said that. "Yah, yah." she replied.
Class seemed to take forever to pass by with Tristan constantly throwing papers and spit balls at me. God, he is so immature. It's like he is 5 or something. Like, Really? Spitballs? I really hate this kid.
"Wow Diana, I really like what you did to your hair..." said Tristan as we were walking out of class.
"What?" I replied disgusted.
"Yah, How did you get it to come out of your nostrils like that?!" He threw at me. All his friends start snickering behind him.
"Oh Tristan," I said back to him. "I'd like to see things from your perspective but, I just can't get my head that far up my ASS!" I fire back at him. "OOOOhh" said everyone who heard me.
"What did you just say?" He asks
"You heard her bitch." Says Kailey super sassily. I grab her arm and walk away before this gets really ugly. "Come on, let's go to class." I nudge at her.
"That was a good one Ana, how did you come up with that?" she asks as we're walking down the hallway. "I don't know. It just came out of my mouth." "Well maybe I don't need to do all the fighting for you then." she says sarcastically. "Hey! I can handle myself. You don't always do all the fighting!" I snap back at her playfully. "Yah, I know. We both do an even amount of fighting. I know you can handle yourself." she says reassuringly.
This is why I love Kailey. We get each other so well. I wish everyone in the world were like her. No, never mind. If everyone were like her, I would like her less. I think that makes sense. The rest of the day flew by surprisingly fast.
"You need a ride home Kailey?" I ask right before I leave the building.
"Nah. I'm good. Thanks though." she replies.
"Yah. No problem." I walk past the boys locker room on my way to my car an Tristan came out right when I passed by. He was wearing a button up baseball tee, but his tee wasn't buttoned. Oh Shit. Fuck. Please don't see me. Please don't see me. I pull up my hood on my jacket and start to walk a little faster.
"Are you trying to avoid me?" says Tristan. Fuck. I thought to myself. I turned around and saw him and his beautiful body. Probably from basketball and football. He had rock hard abs and a v-line. I couldn't help but stare.
"My face is up here." He says waving at my face. "Were you checking me out?" he quickly asks as I snap out of it.
"WHAT? NO!" I exclaim. "I was just, um..."
"Checking me out." He says finishing my sentence. "No I was not!" I say. Then turn around and leave before I get caught up in something I wont know how to get out of. "Yeah, whatever." He chuckles as I walk away. I finally get to my car and drive home.
"Mom?" I yell into the house. No reply. Not surprising. Found another not on the freezer saying that she should be home at 10 tonight because she started early today. That's probably a lie. I wish she wouldn't go out for drinks after work every night. Especially since she gets off so late. She is always a wreck when she comes home. I miss you dad.

13 Days
Roman d'amourDiana Haley is a 15 year old girl at Glidden Highschool who constantly gets bullied. One day her bully takes one of his pranks to far and causes her to go into a coma. While in this coma, her bully.. Hey guys, so this is my first book, so don't be...