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-First Chapter-

A New Project

"Okay class, today we are going to start a new project on the Roarin 20's." Ms. Sheer said to the class.

Most of the class, including me, groaned at this new information. We had just finished a really long project on WW1.

Ms. Sheer continued talking," You are going to have to research the music, political leaders, popular culture, technology, and society. Also, the girls will have to research Flappers." Ms. Sheer looked around the room at the girls.

The girl sitting in the desk two to the left of me, Mabel, raised her hand. Mabel was one of the more "popular" kids here at Bluff High School. I knew exactly what she was going to ask: another one of her stupid questions she always asks.

"Yes, Mabel?" Ms. Sheer asked, looking at her.

"What is a flapper?" Mabel returned, with her puzzled and stupid looking faces.

See, one of her stupid questions. Normally, that would probably be one of her better questions....However, she already knows what a flapper is, considering that she's one of them. They bob their hair and wear short dresses, stocking, smaller hats, and shoes that show their ankles.

Ms. Sheer sighed and said, in an annoyed voice," Now, Mabel. You know I can't tell you everything. You are going to have to research it on your own."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Mabel roll her eyes at the teacher. It's a good thing that Ms. Sheer didn't see that, otherwise Mabel would've gotten in HUGE trouble. Here at Bluff, we have very, very strict rules. Once, I heard that a Science teacher made a kid stay after class. Then, the teacher beat him with a ruler. All the boy did was doodle on the back of his notebook. Can you imagine what would happen if they caught a student rolling their eyes at him or her?

"Any other questions?" Ms. Sheer asked, looking around at all of our blank faces just staring at her with disinterest. With none of us raising our hands, she coninued," Alright, there is 15 minutes of class left. You can use this time to get a good start on your project."

No one ever listened to Ms. Sheer. They all just turned to their friends and started talking about how they were all going to the big dance tonight. The girls were talking about how thye were all going to wear their fanciest dress to the dance. Everyone, except for me. I actually took out my notebook and history book, and started to read about the roaring 20's.

I wanted to get a head start on this project so I could go to the dance tonight. My mom would never let me go if I had any homework to do.

During the last few minutes of class, I read about the music. They listened to Jazz music, my favortie.

Just then, the bell rang for us to go home. I packed up my things quickly and ran back to my house (which by the way was only a block or so away from the high school).

As soon as I was in the house and up in my room, I started picking out my outfit for the dance. I decided on my pink, flowing dress with a blue ribbon tied around the waist. Also, I decided on wearing my black heals I got for my 15th birthday last year.

As I was laying out my outfit on my bed, I heard the phone ring downstairs. I wondered if it was my friend Lydia. Me and Lydia have been friends since first grade. Our parents were best friends, and have been since.

My mom called me down into the kitchen to get the phone after a couple of rings. After I got the phone and was up in my room again, I confirmed that it was my best friend Lydia.

"Hey, Lydia!" I told her, happy to be able to talk to her again. We haven't talked since yesterday when we got in a stupid, little argument about how I had a date to the dance tonight and she didn't. I told her that it didn't matter, but she wouldn't believe me.

"Hey, Ruby. I'm sorry about yesterday. I was being stupid and wasn't thinking. I'm sorry." Lydia replied, in a very sincere voice.

"It's ok. I understand." But really, I didn't. I was always the one to get a date to the dance, and Lydia was usually the third wheel.

"So...we're all good now?" Lydia asked me.

"Yes, we are all good now, Lydia." I said to her, laughing as I said it.

We were both laughing now. No matter how many fights we got into, we would always, always be best friends.

After we stopped laughing, Lydia told me something amazing about the dance tonight.

"Oh, the reson I called you was to tell you that I finally, after who knows how long, got a date to the dance!" she screamed into the telephone.

"Oh my gosh!!!!! That's so amazing!!!! I bet he is going to be ducky for you." I screamed back into the phone at her.

This was the first time she would be taking a date to one of the dances. This was going to be so nifty for her.

"What are you planning to wear tonight?" I asked Lydia.

She sighed and said," I have no idea. I'm going to have to go shopping really quick before the dance starts. I guess it will have to be a surprise."

"That's ok. You better hurry and find a dress so you have time to get ready." I replied to her.

"Yeah, I know." she told me. "Actually, I'm going to go right now. I'll see at the dance tonight."

"Okay, bye, Lydia." I replied.


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