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Chapter Three:

Jazz Music

All of a sudden I was in a whole diferent room. There were people sitting in fancy chairs at fancy tables with wonderful table cloths. Waiters were walking around serving people. There was a huge chandelier made out of crystals handing from the ceiling as well. I noticed that everyone was watching someone. I followed there gaze and saw a musician. He was playing a trumpet. He had short black hair and was wearing a suit. I recogized him immediately as Louis Armstrong. He was one of my favorite people in the world, next to Scott Fitzgerald.

Louis Armstrong was also known as Satchmo. He was my favortie Jazz musician of all time.

"Isn't it cool to see your favorite musician play?" Kendra asked me.

I looked over at her and noticed that she now had a beautiful dress one. I looked down to see if I was too. Sure enough, I was. I was the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen. It was green with a couple sparkles running down it.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Kendra told me. "It used to belong to a scarlet. I can't remember what her name was, but I'm sure I'll remember it later."

I looked over at her. She had a huge smile on her face. I was happy that she was happy. She seemed to be having a good time here. Howevery, I have to learn about Jazz music now.

"So, can we learn some stuff now?" I asked Kendra. "I still have that dance tonight."

Kendra laughed and said," Sure, we can start now. So, first things first: do you know where we are?"

I was balled up, and looked around. There were just people sitting, watching Louis Armstrong, and drinking boose. Then I got it: people were drinking! Drinking alcohol in the twenties was illegal because of the prohibition.

I gasped and said," This is a speakeasies!"

I relized that I said that really loud and that people were staring at me. Also, I noticed that the music stopped. Oh no, I interupted my favorite Jazz musician while he was in the middle of a song.

Kendra grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room.

"What is your problem?" Kendra whispered at me. Even though she was whispering, I could hear the harshness in her voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked her. I was hurt that she would say that to me with such a harshness in her voice.

Kendra rose her eyebrows at me. "If you change anything while your here, you could change the whole future!"

"Oh. I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I replied to her.

She sighed. "I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean to explode on you."

"It's ok, but can we get back to learning about Jazz?" I asked Kendra.

We both started to laugh. I couldn't believe I was actually starting to like doing my homework.

"Sure! Why not? Jazz music is amazing!"

After a couple of minutes - after everyone had resituated from me screaming in the middle of a performance -, we walked back into the room and sat down at a table in the front.

I couldn't believe I was this close to Louis Armstrong! He was playing my favorite song by him: Give Me Your Kisses. It was an amazing song.

Kendra and I waited until Louis was done playing to ask him questions. He was surprised that a couple of young, teenage, white girls were asking him questions. I guessed that he had been interviewed very little.

I was shaking the whole interview, and I was surprised that it didn't show in my voice. At least not the I know...

"So, Mr. Armstrong, when did you learn how to play the trumpet?" I asked him.

He sighed, trying to remember. Eventually he said," Oh, I don't even remember. I was pretty young though."

"Well that's nifty. Do you really like to play the trumpet?" Kendra asked him. We were taking turns asking him questions.

"Yes, yes I do. I play many instruments such as the bugle and cornet." Louis replied.

We asked him many questions after that: where he was born, who his parents were, how he started his career, how many kids he has, etc.

Right after Kendra and I were done asking him questions and were outside, I finally woke up from my first, and certainly not last, wild dream.

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