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Chapter Four:

The Dance

When I woke up, the sun was just starting to set. After relized what had just happened, I got up and started to get ready for the dance. I was supposed to Lydia in the gym for the dance in about an hour.

I did my make-up, got dressed, and did my hair all nice.

When I got to the dance, there was already a couple people there with dates. I had met Nate at his house on the way to school. His mom took pictures of us for her scrapbook she's upsessed with. It was kind of crazy. She took pictures of EVERYTHING that happened. It must have been pretty embarrassing when your mom followed you around every where and took pictures of you.

Walking into the gym, I noticed that Jazz music was playing. Also,walking into the dance, I looked around for Lydia in her purple dress. However, while looking around for her, I saw people dressed in all black. They were sneaking around with bags. I guessed that they were bootleggers, smugglers of illegal alcohol.

After a couple of minutes, I found Lydia. She was standing in the middle of two groups, the right side: flappers with their boyfriends and the left side with girls dresses like their grandmothers would have.

Lydia seemed to be with someone. I guessed it was her cousin she told me about yesterday. Apparently, she was Lydia's mom's sister. She was wearing a dress similar to Lydia's and mine. However, it was yellow with a pink ribbon. She was also wearing pink flats.

Nate and I walked over to her.

"Hi, your Lydia's cousin right?" I asked her.

She turned to face me. She had dirty blonds hair and hazel eyes. This girl looked surprised to see me. I wonder why?

"Yes." she told me. "Not to be rude, but I have no idea who you are." After saying that, she gave me a half smile.

"Oh, its fine. I'm sure Lydia meant to introduce us tonight. Well, my name is Ruby. I've been Lydia's friend for quite a while now." I looked at her, grinning. "I forgot, I've been so rude. This is my date, Nate. That rhymed."

Then, she whispered something to Nate and I that made us both shocked.

"Do you guys know any bootleggers?" she whispered to us. We both shook our heads, so she continued," How 'bout any speakeasies?"

"I'm in shock. You don't seem like the type of girl to be asking about that kind of stuff." I told her.

Nate turned to me and whispered something in my ear. "Lets go. This girl seems crazy."

After that, we both walked away. We walked toward a couple of Nates friends and the right side with their girlfriends.

I must have still had a weird look on my face, because when on of Nates friends, Edward, saw me he looked concerned.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

I looked up at him and said," Yes, I'm fine. Its just that I just met Lydia's cousin."

He looked balled up. "How is that a problem?"

"Because she was asking Nate and I if we knew any bootleggers of speakeasies." I replied to him. "I mean, I know that there are a lot here, but I don't know any of them."

However, I secretly thought of how I went to a speakeasies in my dream an hour ago.

"Wow, that's weird." Edward's girlfriend said to me.

"I know." I replied to her. "I would stay away from her if I were you. That's going to be hard for me though because she's Lydia's cousin." I sighed.

For the rest of the night, my group of friends stayed away from Lydia's cousin. However I met up with Lydia in the bathroom so that we could talk about her.

"What do you mean you think she's an alcoholic?" Lydia asked me.

I had told her the whole story, and when I was odne said that I thought she might be an alcoholic.

"She just asked Nate and I if we knew any bootleggers. It's like she was asking who was the best person to go to for alcohol." I replied to Lydia.

Lydia sighed heavily. "Your just jealous that I have a cousin!"

She stormed out of the bathroom then. We didn't talk for the rest of the night.

When the dance was over, Nate and I walked home together. I wondered how Lydia and her date Chad were doing.

When I got home, I took my mack-up off, brushed my hair, and changed into my pajamas. That night, just as i had expected, I had another dream back into time.

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