Rude Awakening

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            “Hey there,” The voice was gentle. It was the kind of voice that was always smiling. DJ opened his eyes and saw that the brunette was in fact smiling. She was the perfect doctor; tall, slim, and in a lab coat. What more was needed? DJ couldn’t think of anything.

            The doctor walked closer to DJ. She was holding a clipboard, “You took quite a beating there. I almost wasn’t sure if you were going to wake up at all.”

            “What?” DJ croaked and then wondered what was wrong with his voice. Everything was too confusing. His head was swimming with random memories that he couldn’t quite get a hold of.

            The doctor smiled sympathetically at him before turning back to her clipboard and pulling a pen out the pocket of her lab coat, “How are you feeling?”

            DJ paused, “Uh, I guess sore.”


            “All over,” He laughed hoarsely.

            The doctor nodded as she scribbled something on her clipboard, “Okay, that’s to be expected. Now, what was the last thing you remember?”

            “Uh…I don’t know,” DJ’s brows knit together as he tried to get his rebellious brain to work properly, “I…I was in the woods with Alycia and…something hit me from behind.”

            She wrote even more stuff of the clipboard. DJ had a suspicion that she was would write down everything that happened. With a flourish, she signed the paper and put both pen and clipboard on a table, DJ looked at it out of the corner of his eye. It looked like a large chart that the doctor had circled things on and then written all over in the illegible handwriting of doctors all over the world.

            “Right, well, I guess it’s my job to explain things to you,” she sighed, “The thing that hit you from behind was a Dark Vampire. The report says that you fought with it for a while but it managed to sink its fangs into your shoulder before Alycia decapitated it. We’ve gone back to the scene of it but were unable to find the body to identify who made it. You’ve been unconscious for a while, but we’ve managed to bring you round. Don’t worry; all traces of the venom have left your system.”

            Now that he was fully conscious, DJ looked around. There was no point of getting freaked out right now; he didn’t feel he had the energy anyway. He was in a while room with papers all over the wall and pieces of medical equipment between the paper. There were tanks of many gasses, cabinets of needles, a defibrillator in the corner, and a water cooler that seemed oddly out of place. And there was also, to DJ’s joy, a bathroom to his right with a shower head.

            “Where am I?”

            The doctor looked taken back, “Why I thought it was obvious. You’re in the medical wing at Division HQ.”

            DJ shook his head in desperation, ignoring the splitting headache that caused him, “No, no that’s not possible. Alex wouldn’t bring me here! Not after I’d been bitten by a DV!”

            “Oh, don’t worry. The idiot kept you away for a day to make sure you wouldn’t get turned,” An annoyed voice said from the door way. When DJ looked, Damien was pushing himself off the wall that he had been leaning on.

            “Idiot? You’d have just killed me, wouldn’t you?” DJ growled, scratching his already sore throat even more and sending him into a flurry of vicious coughs.

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