Ghosts in the Lab

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Before anyone else says anything to me, yes, I know that the name of Damien’s buddy who could solidify air (AKA Darrel) was originally Nicolas but I wrote that part months ago and kinda forgot that I had named him that, and then I realized that it would be kinda weird to have Damien’s number two and the action hero of Miranda’s group to have the same name, so I changed it. If you look back in the book, you’ll see I’ve changed it there, too…I hope.


As the guards lead them to the cells, Alexander started desperately hoping that Aycia and Matthew had successfully got in. He had planned the entrance to be as far away from as many guard posts as possible so, since he and Miranda were taking all the nearby guards with them, that should hopefully leave none to apprehend the others as they came in. But there was still the chance that Alycia would get caught. Gavin had managed to find where Division’s cameras were and Alycia seemed pretty confident that she could dodge them, but there was still a chance.

It was too bad all Gavin could do to Division’s computers was gather their information. Their infinite firewalls made it impossible for him, or anyone, to change the settings or open doors without numerous codes.

Still, despite his nerves, he resisted the urge to turn around and check.

Xander was on guard duty at the cells. Now Division had a few other prisoners, scientists who had been caught trying to sell secrets, Fey Children and witches practicing black magic on the premises, and a few people who had failed and needed to be made an example of. But that amounted to as sorry bunch of seven prisoners in one cell all huddled in the middle of their shared cell and not saying anything.

It was amazing none of them had tried to escape.

Then again, the first witch that tried it still had some pretty nasty welts on his hands, so that could explain the lack of enthusiasm.

“Hey, lizard boy, got a couple exciting ones for you!” Darrel called as they got close.

Xander looked up tiredly, thinking of how some day he would get them to stop calling his lizard boy, then his eyes fell on the two new prisoners and he was suddenly alert.

His face a picture of confused horror, he stammered, “H-h-h-how’d ya get ‘em?”

Darrel’s chest inflated until he looked like a circus balloon, “Look’s like the terrible Miranda can’t really put up much of a fight. And as for the boy, well, he’s not so tough anymore, is he? Not since he bit that chic.”

“You know, you really are quite stupid,” Alexander smiled from behind him.

Darrel turned around in surprise, Alexander didn’t even sound winded! What was going on?

Alexander grinned. As an Attorxian, his physical form was just a manifestation of his mind and therefore was not affected by things like the air. This was something Alycia had assured him of before they set out, but Darrel did not have the pleasure of that knowledge so he panicked.

“How…how are you…” he stammered, stepping back and solidifying all the air around the Attroxian in one last, desperate attempt. Alexander pointedly stepped towards him taking care to show how easy it was for him to do so.

In his fear of Alexander, Darrel  forgot to keep his hold on Miranda. Seizing on her freedom, Miranda did a high, forceful back kick and made contact with the chest of the guard who was directly behind. Miranda had spent years studying martial arts, and even inventing a few, so her kicks were powerful. Even for a werewolf, it was a crippling blow. He fell from the force of the kick, all pride gone.

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