Let The Fun Begin!

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                “Be ready to get out of here in an hour,” Alycia ordered the second the door shut behind Jessica. They were back in her room;   Alycia said that it was time to go to sleep. According to her it was 8 PM, but time had somehow got away from Jessica during her time in the jail cell and sleeping. Apparently she had missed a whole day. She couldn’t help wondering what had happened at her party without her.


                “Kinda hard to interpret that in many ways,” Alycia muttered as she bent down and pulled the folder out of the chest at the foot of her bed.

                “Yeah, I get it. We’re leaving in an hour, but why?” Jessica demanded, moving over next to her new ‘friend.’

                Alycia didn’t look up, “You were right, Arthur was passing a message on to me. We’re leaving at 21 hundred hours tonight.”

                “Wait, didn’t he say 23hundred?” Jessica pointed out in confusion.

                “Yes, but we add 2 to every number we tell each other just in case someone has figured out that we are passing messages. 2 hours is usually enough to avoid the ambush. Now can you help me? I can’t find the N building on this map.”

                “N being the first letter of Nicolette?” Jessica asked hopefully.

                Alycia turned around and smiled, “You’re not as dumb as you look.”

                “And you’re not as mean as you act. Gimme that,” She snatched the map out of the folder. Alycia quickly closed the folder before Jessica saw a sheet of paper with her picture on it; there were still many secrets she didn’t want to tell the girl.

                “Um…here it is! Wait, it says here that it’s a medical building. What gives?” Jessica looked up with her finger pointing to a part of the map.

                Alycia quickly glanced at where her finger was and snatched the map away, “Just needed to know where it was. Thanks! Now, if you don’t mind, I have some last minute prep to do.”

                After protesting for a while and realizing that Alycia was just going to ignore her, Jessica went and sat on her bed.

                First Alycia threw all the clothes in her chest onto the floor and reached into the bottom. The first thing she pulled out was an iPhone which she quickly switched on and typed furiously on for a couple of seconds. When she got the information she needed, she put it into a pocket in her khakis, removing the foil-wrapped hamburger first. Then, she moved on to the weapons.

                “I thought you said you weren’t allowed any weapons here?” Jessica asked when she saw Alycia pull out a small knife and shove it carefully down her shirt.

                “We’re not but I had these smuggled in a while ago. Just in case,” She muttered as she carefully put a small cluster of poisoned darts and a blow tube into her belt line on her right and a small gun on her left. Into her sneaker went a small knife and a whip became a substitute for her belt and she was set. After that, she took all the folders filled with illegal paperwork. She selected the most important papers, folded them tightly and put them in either her pockets or her waistline, and took the rest into the bathroom. Jessica heard her snapping her fingers, a couple of curse word, and then finally at cry of triumph. When she looked in, she saw Alycia standing in front of a small mound of papers that were on fire.

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