Go. Part 1- pic of Shadow Land

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Sebastian was on perimeter guard duty, as always. He was a tech head, a human with a computer for a brain, so he did not need sleep. Unfortunately, Damien knew this fact and never gave tech heads in Division any time to sleep.

Just for something to do, Sebastian zoomed in and out, looking at the horizon. As his eyes were exploring a hole in one of the cliffs far off, some noise startled him. Focusing all his mind on his ears, he searched for what it was, but found no unusual noise. After a few minutes, he realized that it was not a noise, but a lack of noise; the electrical buzz of the volts being sent through the fence had stopped.

Sebastian zoomed back to normal vision and turned around. Lights were off all over Division, and when he turned up his sense of hearing, he realized that so were the radios, computers, phones, and all other electrical devices that made the eternal racket of modern civilization.

He stared all around the compound, unable to figure it out. Eventually, he picked up his radio communicator and called the other perimeter guards.

“Any of you guys know what’s going on?” He asked into the mouth piece as he held down the talk button.

Static was the only answer.

As the silence went on, Sebastian got more anxious until he turned up his ears in an attempt to pick anything up.

Not too far away, on the next guard post over, Oscar, the other tech head who was on duty was talking.

“…stain, I seriously hope you can hear me. I’ve got my ears turned up, so I can hear you. Radios are down. And…oh God, look outside!”

Sebastian spun back around to face the empty desert surrounding Division to find that it wasn’t so empty. There was a huge crowd of vampires, demons, witches, humans, and various other species of thing charging at him.

“Oscar!” Sebastian cried grabbing his gun and aiming at the nearest one.

“Get ready, brother,” Oscar whispered before the mass hit them.

In the pitch-black cupboard Miranda and Alexander had locked him in, John had his ear to the door. There were more noises in the lab. Had those monsters come back?

There was the sound of keys moving in the lock by his ear and John jumped back guiltily. The door swung open to reveal a middle aged woman with bright red hair and a large shoulder bag. She looked the goblin up and down in disgust before scowling and turning away.

Blinking in the sudden sunlight, John slowly slunk out the cupboard and watched her carefully.

She went to the psychodamper, pulled a disk out her back and slid it underneath. Then, she turned to John with a smirk and said, “I’d get out of this room if I were you, goblin,” and left.

John stood dazed in the middle of the room for a couple of seconds before ducking and running out the room.

Ten seconds after he had left, and just when he had rounded the corner, there was an explosion through the door. It was small and quiet, but enough to throw the door, which had been next to the psychodamper, off its hinges and into the opposite wall. When John crept back and peaked around, he saw that there was a small crater in the floor where the psychodamper had been.

“What happened here?” DJ asked when he entered the conference room with Alycia, Jessica, and Xander.

Alycia glanced at the father and daughter at her feet. “That’s Jessica, the girl Alex turned and Damien’s adopted daughter. She…psychologically attacked Damien and…well…that was the result.”

“And the lizard in the corner?”

“Xander was our way to get here undetected. Miranda made him,” Alycia turned to Xander and smiled sweetly, “Thank you for all your help. You can go if you want, but I’d suggest hiding somewhere really far away. Things are about to get interesting.”

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