Storming the Castle From the Inside

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Once Alycia and Matthew had spread the word for all the fighters to gather in the gym, they arrived at Gavin’s room to help come up with a plan of action to save Nicolas and Phillip and also close the portal Division was foolishly trying to open.

“There is a way to enter Division, or at least for a small party to. From there they could find a way to grant access for the rest. You seem the ground beneath to compound is riddled with tunnels and sink holes; the whole area is,” Miranda explained while Gavin added the local topography into the holographic image on display.

“If that’s true then why did they build Division’s headquarters there? Surely the Count has more forethought than that,” Alexander pointed out skeptically.

Miranda shook her head, “They didn’t build the compound, just moved in. Building would draw too much attention and take too much time. The building was originally occupied by Area 51, before the government realized it was not aliens, but the supernatural. And that was set up at Ground Zero of the explosion of light. For some reason they thought that was a good idea.”

At this point, Alycia pursed her lips and mumbled how that was all an accident.

Alexander nodded thoughtfully, “So how did the first team you sent in enter the compound?”

Miranda pulled a face, “That’s the problem. The tunnels were the only holes in Division’s defenses that we could find, so Nicolas used them.”

“Then we can’t. Damien’s probably already had them sealed or booby trapped,” Alexander pointed out, turning to scrutinize the map again, “Is there any chance Matthew could…”

“No,” Alycia and Matthew sighed in unison. Alexander looked up in surprise.

“I can do no more than five people including myself at a time,” Matthew explained with an air of tired politeness.

“And besides,” Alycia continued, “Division has a strict ‘no teleportation within the compound’ rule and enforces it with sensors. The second he enters the place he’d be swarmed by swat teams of who knows what.”

“Okay, so coming from underneath and teleportation are out,” Miranda agreed, “What does that leave us?”

There was a pause, before Alexander spoke up, “Maybe it’s not out.”

“What?” Alycia asked confused. She knew that strategy was Alexander’s forte, but right now he seemed to be completely out of it.

“How long would it take for these SWAT teams to mass on us if Matthew teleported us in?”

“15 seconds if they’re close enough, 25 if they’re not,” Alycia said instinctively, the long time she had spent working for Damien finally paying off, “But Division has guards strategically placed all over the compound. Even when they’re off duty, they’re never more than a few rooms away and always ready to spring into action.”

“And other than that chameleon, do you have anyone working for you that can visibly cloak people?” Alexander asked Miranda.

“One vampire and a witch,” She nodded.

“Division has infrared cameras all over the place,” Alycia put in.

“Those won’t pick up on the Vampire,” Alexander pointed out. After a few more seconds of staring at the map thoughtfully, he straightened up with a plan.

The next day, in Division, Damien received a Call from the Count telling him what to do.

A couple of minutes later, he arrived at the jail cells and nodded to the warden on duty to open up Nicolas and Phillip’s cells. Both men straightened up and glared at him, clearly conveying that if the handcuffs they had been put in were taken off he would find himself without a head.

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