School Bully

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I'm senior now. I have been dealing with that bitch Lauren Jauregui since i came to the school middle of freshman year

When i got here everyone was nice to me and helped me around the school. Except Lauren and her dumbass followers Dinah, Camila, Normani, and Ally

I was in my locker bacause i came to school late. When i'm about to turn around lauren pinned me against the locker, her body pressed against my back

"Hey bitch you miss me?" She asked whispering into my ear

Lauren's POV

it's not that i didn't like Y/N the thing is i think i love her. When she came to school freshman year she was such a nerd but everyone took a liking to her and i didn't like that so i bullied her

As time went on she turned into a gorgeous young lady and every time i saw her my heart started to beat real fast

Today my little butterfly was late for school. I wonder why? That doesn't matter right now she's here and now is my chance

"Hey bitch you miss me?" I asked her

"No let me go lauren" she said. Even though she was mad i still loved her voice

I kissed her neck lightly and smirked when i felt goosebumps on her skin

"So i give you chills butterfly?" I asked her and she bumped me off her

"No you don't lauren and maybe i would have became friends with you if you weren't so damn mean to me" she said and ran to the bathroom. I don't want to see her upset so i follow


I ran to the bathroom and i'm so angry. Through all the shit she put me through i ended up having crush on her. How could i be so stupid?

I look in the mirror fixing my makeup after my mini cry session suddenly i feel arms snake around my waist

"I'm so sorry butterfly i never meant to hurt you all those years i was just scared because everyone was so nice to you and i thought you were going to try and take over. Then i realized that as time went on that i really like you, you gorgeous. You don't need makeup butterfly" she said turning me around

"Please just give me a chance i'm really a nice girl i swear" She lifted my chin and stroked my cheek

I look at her trying to see if she was lying but she wasn't.i sigh

"Okay lauren i'll give you a chance"

"Oh good thank you butterfly" she said and without thinking twice lauren kissed me. I didn't kiss back because i was scared

"Oh my goodness i'm so sorry i-" i shut the blabbering by kissing her softly and soon she started kissing back

"Maybe i should ramble more often" lauren said with a giggle. Man that was the cutest think i've ever heard

"First we start off as a friend" i smiled. She nodded and we walked out hand in hand


i'm shook!!! and i'm so proud of her😭

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