Taking It Slow

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a/n: so guys its been a long time that i'm not updating. i'm so sorry for that because i'm very very busy right now but today i got nothing to do so yeah this is for you guys enjoy!


Cherry blossoms.

With the deep breath that fills your lungs, you can't help but admire the soft, sweet scent of cherry blossoms surrounding you. It is possibly your favorite scent in the world. It relaxes you, which is why you find yourself immersed in it right now.

After a day long day of running errands and a dreadful, yet productive session at the gym you had gladly accepted a bathtub of bubbles.
The water is nearly too hot, but the heat feels amazing against your muscles so you take the time to build the needed tolerance. With your eyes closed, you are almost completely relaxed.

The only thing keeping you from being completely relaxed is the fact you are not alone.
The light humming against your ear blends perfectly with the music flowing from the speakers across the room. It is not the occasional singing that is causing your body to overheat, it is the wandering hands.

"laur" A soft smile finds Lauren's lips at the sound of your voice.

Ten minutes had passed from the last time you had spoken. Upon his arrival into the bathroom, Lauren was met with a simple "keep your hands to yourself." Not a hello, how was your day, or a simple I missed you. Just a warning that she was used to hearing.

But, in typical lauren fashion, she has yet to keep her hands to herself.

In fact, they are both under the water. Her left is resting casually against your inner thigh, her right is lightly dragging the mint leaf loofah across your stomach. It is once her hands have drifted into different positions that you speak again.

"What are you doing?" You ask, the question not diverting her touch from your chest.

With a soft shrug of her shoulders, Lauren quietly responds "nothing."

The action pulls a soft giggle from your lips, the sound earning you a soft kiss against the spot behind your ear.

"Are you lying to me?" Reaching down, you push away her hand just as she attempts to slip it between your thighs.


"You're lying to me" you smile.
When her response doesn't come you throw an elbow into her ribs, the jolt of her body causing the water to slosh threateningly at the corners of the tub.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"You lied to me."You repeat, your stern tone not enough to stifle the laugh shaking both of your bodies.

"You promised that you would keep your hands to yourself if I let you join me."

"We're both naked, y/n" Lauren sighs.

"In all honesty, I'm not quite sure you thought things through before you presented the ultimatum."

You bite your lip at herresponse. You know Lauren is right. You could have easily sent her away, told her to return to her own house. Yet, here you are letting a girl who is not even your girlfriend take a bath with you. It did not help that this girl seemed to be an expert at neck kisses.

You clear your throat as you manage not to succumb to the power her lips are trying to exert on your neck.

"You also are breaking rule number one."
Ignoring your response, Lauren let her lips gently suck against your skin.

You feel the pressure shift, a soft groan of disapproval escaping your lips once you know a bruise will be left behind.



"Rule number one."
Rolling herneck, Lauren shifts so that he can eliminate any space separating your back from her chest.

"We're taking things slow" Lauren huffs, the childish tone she presents causing you to giggle.

"Exactly" you smile as her arms wrap around your middle.

"We are taking it slow"

"i am taking it slow" Lauren groaned.

"Are you sure?" You giggle. "Because your hands are wandering. And I know I'm kinda rusty in terms of dating, but I'm pretty sure taking things slow does not include fondling me in the bathtub."

"Believe me" lauren chuckles. "This is me taking things slow."

"I just might have to kick you out then" you sigh as her lips place a soft kiss against your shoulder.

Sitting forward, you carefully turn over. You don't object as her arm secures around your waist pulling you onto her lap. Your fingers slip intro her hair

You raise her hands to your stomach they drift to your waist. she is nearly certain she has you right where she wants you when you quickly pull back.

"Mmmm-no!" lauren chuckles at the outburst.

"What?" Taking in her wide, innocent, green eyes you feel your brow furrow in astonishment.

"We are not-this is not okay" you stammer, but you can't help but give into hed lips as lauren's eyes roll before she leans in to kiss you again.

Pressing against her chest, you quickly cover her mouth with your hand.
"Mmmm this is not taking it slow."

"Why are we taking it slow again?" lauren asks she furrowing with confusion.

"Because" you whisper as she reaches up to your face let her touch drift along your jaw before slipping into your hair.

"You want to kiss me, all the time"

"Hm, someone's a little cocky."

" i have every right to be" you giggle. "You are here practically holding me hostage."

" i could leave right now" lauren replies, the assurance in her voice nearly convincing you.

"But you're right...I wanna kiss you all the time."

"Exactly" you giggle against her lips.

"And if we what to make this...thing into a relationship-a serious one-we have to take things slow. Like we agreed."

" i only agreed so that you'd keep me around"
The sheepish grin on her face is what had gotten you into trouble with Lauren in the first place. It was nearly four months ago when your paths had crossed at a party.

You were there with friends, the mixture of alcohol and her charming smile enough to make you trade their company for her. The one night stand ended with lauren  apologizing, half naked in your bedroom about having to leave before treating you to breakfast.

Something about having to catch a flight to LA. Either way, upon her return to town lauren had tracked you down. Only after you had spent three months ignoring her phone calls and texts.

Kissing you one last time, lauren pulls you from your thoughts causing you to squeal as she moves to get up.

"Where are you going?" You can't help but pout as lauren climbs out of the tub living you alone.

"To make you dinner" she smiles as she retrieves the towel hanging across the room.

"Dinner is a part of taking things slow, isn't it?"
Resting your cheek against your knees, you watch as she clumsily dries off before securing the towel around her body

"Can't you just... stay at the other end?"

"Can't do that, sweetheart. I wouldn't want you breaking your own rule" With a soft wink, lauren turns and leaves you alone.

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