Chapter 6

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Vada sat staring blankly at the plate of food in front of her. 

She couldn't believe it. She'd really done it this time. She must be completely insane.

"I can't believe how stupid I am." She muttered, taking a sip of ice tea and making a face. 

Yesterday morning she'd gotten on a plan to LAX- her parents had seen her off at JFK and wished her the best. She was in LA all of two seconds before she hopped right back on another and flew into this city- the city she knew that Davide Peroni lived in. 

"It's all their fault." She muttered, blaming her impulsiveness on three people: Coda, Nick and Mom. After all, if they hadn't teased her or told her or encouraged her to be reckless, fantasize and chase after intense feelings, she wouldn't have come here.

What was she thinking, anyway? That she'd get a job at EPI or one of his businesses as a secretary and they'd fall in love? No. Things like that don't happen in real life. 

She wasn't even sure she'd still feel those things when she did meet him, if she met him. He could be a total creep. 

Still there was no way to know without spending time with him. Oh and then what? She didn't know what she wanted. All she knew was that she wanted to do something reckless and spending a few days around the man that made her skin tingle was more enticing than anything she'd ever known before. 

"but now what?" She muttered, putting her head on the table of the cheap diner and sighing. How in the world was she going to find him and when she did, what excuse could she give for spending time around him? If he didn't like her, then what? What if she didn't like him?

Well, that was the easy part. If they didn't mesh well, she'd get on a plane and leave all this behind her. Her summer of adventure. That's what she'd called it when she convinced herself this was a good idea. 

Ugh- the worst part was staying in a dingy and shady hotel because every place decent required a credit card and she couldn't let her parents see where she was. Not only did the hotel she was staying in accept cash, they didn't even ask for her ID. It was so... shady.

"Yeah, Paulie. I know that. But listen, I need two girls and they need to be discreet. Yeah, you know the deal." 

Vada couldn't help but overhear the woman behind her who was talking quite loudly as she slipped into the booth. 

"Just tell them to ask for Chachi, alright? Today. Davide wants to see them tomorrow." She continued.

Vada's head shot up. Did she just say Davide? No way, it couldn't be the same Davide. 

"Just tell them today at St. Vincent- I'm not taking anyone after 6pm. Alright. Bye." The woman finished her call. 

Vada took out her phone, holding her breath as she typed out Davide and St. Vincent. She waited... nothing. But she did find Matteo Peroni and St. Vincent. 

"Oh my god, I found it." She whispered to herself. She found the opportunity to see Davide again. 

NO, no no. This was already ridiculous- it was the fantasy of a bored, spoiled rich girl, throwing a fit over a guy she had just met. A guy she had never even met...

"Hey Chachi- the usual?" She heard a waitress say to the woman behind her. 

"Yeah." Chachi replied, sounding defeated. 

"What's wrong?" The waitress asked. 

"Nothing really. Just looking for two good girls to wait tables at the club." Chachi said. 

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