Chapter 44

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"Come on, get down from there." Vada said, chasing her niece across the garden and pulling her off the fountain.

"Vaya, vaya." The little girl repeated happily, pulling at Vada's hair as she picked her up.

"Vada. VADA." Vada repeated, twitching as the little girl yanked on her. "I swear, your momma owes me big time."

"Vaya." The little girl repeated in all her two year old glory.


Vada looked up and caught sight of Nora in the distance, waiving from the patio, Brian sitting down at her side. Vada smiled and looked at her niece.

"Come on, Grandma and Grandpa are waiting." Vada said, kissing her forehead gently and picking up the pace. It amazed Vada how wonderful her parents still looked. Her father was 2 years short of sixty, his hair was salt and pepper and rapidly becoming more salt than pepper but he still took exercise everyday and so he seemed as fit as when she was a child.

Nora on the other hand still had very dark hair that hadn't the smallest hint of gray- Only Brian was aware that she died it regularly. Her mother was beautiful, even if the crow's feet were now visible at her eyes.

"Hey Charlie." Nora said, opening her arms for her grand daughter who accepted happily.

"Thank you." Vada said with a laugh.

"She's not that bad." Brian said, grinning at Vada as she sat.

"She's worse!" Vada said.

"Oww...oww... let go sweetie." Nora said, pulling away from Charlie as she grabbed her earrings.

"I think you're right." Brian said, "Just like George when she was her age."

"I can't believe how big she got." Nora said.

"It's been a year since we last saw her." Brian said with a smile. Nora frowned.

"I can't believe I have a granddaughter I never get to see. I can't understand how Blanca does it." Nora said.

"She sends us plenty of presents to make up for it." Vada said with a smile.

"Can you believe she just turned two? I still feel like George's wedding was yesterday." Nora said. "Time flies."

"I know. Remember our wedding?" Brian asked with a grin.

"The romantic city hall reception?" Nora said with a chuckle.

"It always boggled my mind that you two didn't have a proper wedding." Vada said.

"Well, we didn't have time to plan one. We were married and we were busy enjoying it." Brian said, looking at Nora.

"Pa... pa." Charlie muttered, practically leaping out of Nora's arms.

"Oh dear, she wants you." Nora said and Brian chuckled, taking her from Nora.

"I should enjoy it while it lasts. The moment she sees her father she'll forget we exist altogether." Brian said as the little girl sat in his lap babbling.

"She's a cutie but she doesn't look much like George." Vada said pensively.

"You're right." Nora said.

"Where is George?" Brian asked. Vada sighed.

"I ran into her when I got here and she asked me to watch Charlotte for a while. I didn't ask where she was off to." Vada said.

"Did he go with her?" Brian asked and Vada nodded.

"As usual. Anyway, I came over to give you guys this." Vada said, handing them an envelope. Nora took it and looked inside.

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