Chapter 3

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Lucian stared at his son while he took the head off the girl. Staring into his red eyes. He made no move to go to him, in fear. Kai was stronger than he expected.

Cursing at who the girl was, he needed to make a plan. Kai just started a war. Everyone stared at Kai, shocked, afraid to move in fear that they would be next. When he passed out, that's when chaos started. People screaming, running around trying to escape.

"ENOUGH" Lucian roared, ceasing all movement in the room. Everyone looked to him, some people crying, some looking horrified and some looking plain outraged.

He would not let word get out about Kai.

"Nobody leaves! Everyone against the wall, if you move you die" he snarles guards marching in from every direction. Two take Julianna out of the room, and when the crying woman refused to go to a wall they ripped off her head too.

"This is going to take a while" Lucian mumbles as he starts at the top.

"You had a great time here. The ball finished with fireworks afterword. Nothing bad happened here" he says softly to the man, compelling him

"Nothing bad happened. It was a great time" the man mumbled.

Lucian did that to almost everyone, they left after he compelled them, until a young boy around the age of 15 tried to make a run for it, but was caught and Lucian ripped his heart out.

Licking the blood of his hand he snarled. Fangs protruding from his gums.

He decided to kill the last of them, not bothered to compel any longer.

"Line up you peasants" he growled and they did. The first in line was the woman he was looking at earlier.

"Let's do this!" He cries excitedly snapping her neck.


When he got to the end of the line he looked back to see a huge trail of blood & guts behind him.

Laughing he looks around to his surroundings.

"Jesus I made a mess. Get the maids to clean it... Burn the bodies. Ill sort out Kai" he says walking to a blood splattered Kai.

"Damnit Kai, that was a good suit" he mumbles throwing Kai over his bloody shoulders.

"So much bloodshed. But Kai, you started it, best. Birthday. Ever" Lucian chuckles licking his fingers.

He heard a woman gasp behind him. He turned around to see Pauline at the entry door. She looked to him, his bloody clothes and then Kai.

"Sir! What has happened?" She squeals running toward Lucian with a cloth, wiping his bloodstained face.

"A....bit of an accident. You will clean up Kai, I shall explain on the way" he mumbles opening the door and walking through, Pauline hurrying behind him.

"Was it K-" She started but Lucian stopped her.

"It was not Kai, it was me, well everyone dead on the floor was me, Kai, he ripped the head off a girl, who was trying to decieve him. He will never forgive himself" Lucian mumbles heading up the large staircase.

"Sir, he needs help! He cannot control it like you thought he could.... You need to help him" Pauline cried out with tear filled eyes.

"I understand that Pauline. His training starts as soon as he wakes. He is so uncivilized" Lucian growls. Pauline, being the head maid, felt like she could talk to Lucian, instead of fearing him like the other maids.

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