Chapter 6

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We are armoured up. Have protection on, mainly protecting our heart area, since that's where you will get a definite kill.

Tadghs face is of stone, as is everyone's. His though, looks out of place since he's usually smiling.

I glance around at the men, we were all built similarly, but some men over do it, with their bulging biceps veins popping up all over the place, its kinda intimidating.

We hear them before we see them, getting into our spots so we wont be seen.

"100 meters" our lookout calls softly, knowing we can hear perfectly.

"The trees" I command the men going to attack from there. They climb up and get stationed in seconds. We have a lot of men.

Then I see them marching. I smirk, but then sniff, confused.

Damien is not there

There is dead silence, they're waiting for our first move.

"Kill the female commander" I whisper to Tadgh, and he throws a knife, that goes straight through her neck. Her eyes widen and she falls, making the soldiers shout and run towards us.

"Keep an eye out for Damien" I shout and we run towards them. We immediately kill the first line having faster reflexes.

I slice a throat, snap a neck, then I'm faced with an actual challenge.

Blocking me he growls while I knock the sword from his hands, he sliced my face with his blade and it stung. I've been stabbed and cut before, but it didn't hurt like this.

It didn't heal.

I stabbed him through his heart pulling my sword out and blocking a hit from another man behind him, I went to chop his head off but he ducked stabbing my foot.

"Argh!" I roar rising my sword and stabbing through the back of his neck.
He falls to the ground and I remove his sword from my foot, and like I predicted, it didn't heal.

What is going on?!

I growled putting the sting to the back of my mind, getting angry with these shower of bastards. Without Damien to kill, I am fuming, slicing through human after human.

My fangs come out and I get knocked to the ground with a huge guy on top of me. I quickly sit up and rip his throat out his blood splashing all over my face. I roll him off me and get onto my hands and knees.

Panting I look around at my men, a few injured, but they're healing.

I could barely breathe, my muscles aching. Tadgh ran over to me.

"Kai what's wrong? Why aren't you healing?" He shouts examining my wounds. I can't talk I'm breathing so hard.

He frowns, helping me stand. I almost collapse. After a while I calm down, but the pain is still there.

"Something is wrong with me" I say moaning at the pounding in my head. My men are smiling and begin to walk home, where they will celebrate.

Soon, its just Tadgh and I

"Dude, you still haven't healed, here" he said slicing his wrist and putting it to my mouth.

I laugh.

"Tadgh I am not some human that needs your blood" I chuckle clutching my aching stomach.

"For fuck sake just try it" he says and I drink it, instantly feeling better, so I drink more, becoming addicted to the power it gavee me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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