The Wallflower

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Komiya Pov

I yawned slowly as I was walking, and pulled up my headphones onto my ears. I hummed the tune to my favourite song in my head, walking down the street in the early afternoon.

I rubbed my hands together in the cold breeze, and looked up at the sun. Japans weather, it actually suprised me. It was pretty decent.

I look back down and rubbed my eyes before opening them again. When my vision cleared, I saw a boy, he looked around my age, and was kinda short for a guy. Well, not that I can say anything seeing as I'm only 155cm tall. He's still taller than me.

His hair was a bit different too, gelled up, with a small bit or it at the front bleached blonde. He kind of look that leaves an impression. Kinda like mine....I think. Though his hair does look a bit cooler than mine.

Oh well, whatever, who cares about some random boy anyway.

I sighed and turned again, back on route to the book store I was walking to, playing the next song, which later filled my ears.

Nishinoya Pov

I threw my ball up in the air, and caught it, just as I saw a girl a little ahead of me. She was pretty cute, and had pretty awesome hair. But best of all? IT LOOKS LIKE I WAS TALLER THAN HER.

As I was looking at her, she looked in my direction, and our eyes met.

I was pretty happy about it, but almost immediately, she turned her head and walked away.


My eyes trailed after her, even when she was nearly at the end of the street.

She looked pretty cool. I wonder how old she is. I wonder what her name is. I wonder what school she goes to.

One Week Timeskip

(Still) Nishinoya Pov

I yawned on my desk and looked at the clock. It wasn't even 8 am yet.


Practise this morning was brutal, and I can feel bruises on my legs already, but hey, they're something to make girls like me, seeing how serious about Volleyball I am.

Ryu was next to me, passed out, and snoring. Very loud.

Sensei walked in, and I shoved Ryu to wake him up, who then snorted awake, and jolted foward of his chair, connecting his nose to the desk.

The rest of the class were howling with laughter, even I was.

Ryu looked over at me and drew his finger across his neck, then pointing back at me.

I smiled back innocently, and he huffed, turning to face Sensei.

"Okay class, nice to see you all again at this time, even you, Tanaka Ryu."

Ryu went bright red, and huffed looking out of the window. Despite this, Sensei then continued.

"Okay, so we have a new transfer student today guys, so please make her feel welcome."

Ryu's eyes shot open and he grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Did you hear that Yuu!? A girl!! A GIRL!! Ahh I hope she's Kawaii."

I laughed at his respond, and shoved him slightly. The rest of the class seemed a little restless about meeting a new classmate, nearly as much as we were.

"Okay class, it's about time she introduced herself. Come in Komiya-san."

Most of the class leaned class leaned foward on their desks in anticipation. I could hear light footsteps reach the door, and then a figure walked in.

The girl was pretty short, and I swear I've seen her somewhere before.

She had blue grey hair, and big teal eyes. Her hair was in tons of layers, short to her head at the front, and reaching way past her waist at the back. She was in her uniform, but earphones were connected and in her ears.

"Okay class, this is Komiya Asami. Komiya-san please tell us a little about you."

The girl continued looking g out of the window, humming a tune to a song I know. It looks like she's listening to music.


Sensei repeated again. This time she looked at him, then faced the class again. She raised her hand slightly in our direction, making a lazy wave at us.


Her voice was really cute, but we were more shocked with what she had just said to us. Sensei looked shocked, and was frozen in place.

She turned, and started walking towards the only avaliable chair left, the one next to me at my left.

She sat down, and pulled her books out of her bag, then placing them on her desk. She must have seen me staring, because she soon looked up at me, and our eyes met.

I froze.

I finally knew where I had seen her.

She was that girl from the street.

The one with the cool hair.

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