Trying To Converse

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Nishinoya Pov

The rain hasn't shown any sign of stopping and I've been sat here, like an idiot, in silence.

For twenty minutes. TWENTY!

Whenever its anyone else I'm okay and i can talk about anything. But around Asami, i get tongue tied. I have no clue with what to say.


I'm just sat here, hands on my lap and looking down at the floor, stealing glances from her every so often. I gave her an orange a while ago to make things less awkward.

She's unfeeling it now. Her hands are so tiny.


I can feel my face going red but i don't know what to do.

Komiya Pov

Nishinoya is awkward. I can't say much though, i haven't exactly been speaking much either. I just don't know what to say.

I've never been in a boy's room before.

I'm trying to eat the orange slowly, but i see that Nishinoya keeps looking at me. I feel uncomfortable.

I let out a cough to clear the air and hopefully end the silence.

"I'm suprised you aren't at volleyball practise."

Nishinoya Pov

"I'm suprised you aren't at volleyball practise."

My eyes lit up at the mention of volleyball.

"I wish! Today we have the day off but the weather is soooo bad that i want to be playing volleyball-"

I paused partway once i realised how much i began to speak.

Asami tucked part of her hair behind an ear and looked at me with an expression difficult to read.

"I don't have anything i care about as much as you seem to care for volleyball. It's weird to me."

I focused on Asami for a second and saw a hint of sadness behind her confusing expression.

I gave her a scared yet forced smile in response.

"There's something you'll love, Komiya-chan! You just probably haven't found it yet!"

She sighed at me and i didn't know if i had upset her or not. She stared outside the window, then turned back  to me.

"I think i envy you, Nishinoya. It seems so easy for you to love volleyball."

I was about to say something, but i heard the tumble dryer stop. Her clothes were now done and dry.

"One second Komiya-chan, i think your clothes are done!"

I shot up before Asami said anything and ran downstairs to get her clothes. After i got them out and folded them, i ran back upstairs and awkwardly passed them to her.

"Here you are Komiya-chan!"

She takes them slowly, her hand brushing slightly against mine. I could feel my face getting redder again, so i turned awkwardly and tried to hide it.

Asami stood up.

"I'm going to get changed."

She walked outside my room and i was finally able to breathe and think straight. I could hear her humming as she was changing.

Shit i don't like where my mind is going...

I sit back down on the floor waiting for her to come back. After two more minutes i hear the door opening again.  Komiya comes back in and starts to pick up her stuff.

She's going already?

"Thank you, Nishinoya. I'll be going back home now. I'll see you on Monday."

I jump up and start to escort her out.

"Oh! Okay Komiya-chan!"

Once we get to my front door, she turns around.

"See you, Nishinoya."

"See you..."

And with that, Komiya walked down the road and out of sight. I groaned aloud and whipped ny phone out and dialled a number.


"Ryu. I've messed up bad."

"Huh? What happened?"

"She's seen my half naked. And i can't speak properly."



I came back!

I've been updating another story i left for so long (I'm SO SORRY!!) but will try to be more consistent again!

Love you guys that are still here,

Jess-chan ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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