Thirteen: DenNor

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"Mathias Kølher, when I find you so help me I will murder you with my bare hands!" Lukas was fuming, his hands in his... green hair. He held a bottle of shampoo, or what should be shampoo, and tossed it into the trash can. Denmark was hiding in the closet ((*starts laughing*)) with his hands clapped over his mouth so he wasn't heard snorting like a pig in his fit of laughter. The small Norwegian sighed, attempting to calm down as he massaged the curve of his stomach. He wasn't too far along, but his back hurt like a motherfucker. This situation was not helping the massive migraine migrating into the front part of his head.

"Mathias where are you? I'm not going to murder you." He felt his moods beginning to shift and he suddenly felt lonely. "Please, where are you?" Mathias could hear his pleas, even if it was quiet, and felt kinda bad now. He inched from the closet, ((*starts laughing again*)) making his way down the stairs quickly. He scooped Lukas into a hug before the other could start crying.

"I'msorrydon'tkillme." He said, words rushed together as he pressed Norway closer to himself. Lukas responded by wrapping his arms around Denmark's neck and squeezing him back.

"I won't." The Norwegian sniffles a bit, snuggling his face into the Dane's shoulder. He closed his eyes a moment before pulling back and pointing to his hair. "But what the hell were you thinking?"

"It would be funny." The Dane rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, smiling in vain attempt to make Lukas any less angered with him.

"Dying a person's hair green isn't funny. It's wrong." He pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. His hair was still a bit wet so small drops of green landed on the floor. "I'm going to bleach this out of my hair. Excuse me." He brushed past Denmark, rubbing away a line of green hair that stuck to his cheek.

"I'm sorry!" He heard Mathias crow, true meaning in his voice. "I'll make it up to you!" And that he did.

When Lukas was bleaching his hair blonde again, Mathias made dinner. It consisted of chicken, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and a cake.

He basted and roasted the bird, boiled the potatoes and mashed them with a good helping of butter, steamed the veggies in the microwave and mixed the whisked eggs with flour, sugar, and cake mix.

Lukas could smell it over the potent scent of bleach, his hair finally back to its original color and state. He turned down the hair dryer, drying the chemical in his hair so it would stay blonde. That was, if Mathias didn't pull another prank. He looked at himself in the mirror, pealing away pieces of hair from his cheekbones.

Denmark looked at his job in pride, knowing he finally did something great. He stripped out of his shirt and jacket, dashing to the closet again to pick out something nicer. Something... blue, with a red vest over it. It was the shirt he wore when he was Berwald's best man. What possessed Sweden to let the Dane be his best man was beyond everyone's imagination.

Norway shut the hair dryer down, fluffing up his hair with a spiralled brush of thick bristles.

"Lukas, I have a surprise for you, even though you can probably smell it." Denmark leaned in the doorway, smiling softly and gazing at his husband. The smaller Norwegian pouted, sticking his tongue out.

"At least give me a minute to get dressed." The Danish man held up his hands, slinking out of the way and back into the hall where he belongs. Lukas got into some undergarments, biting his lip and picking out something that would still actually fit him. He chose a blue jacket with white shirt underneath and some red khakis. He opened the door, nearly running into Mathias's back. The Dane caught him before he could fall and smiled real big.

"Come on Norge, it will get cold."

"Like my soul." Mathias rolls his eyes, ignoring the comment and leading his counterpart down the stairs into the dining room.

Everything had been placed on the table top, candles and flowers arranged delicately in the perfect display. The lights had been dimmed and now candles lit everything up with a gentle caress of golden light.

"Mathias..." Lukas was speechless. This rarely happens.

"I didn't want you to stay mad at me." Mathias found himself in a tight hug, his partner the one to tackle his midsection.

"How could I stay mad at you after all this?" He looks up with blue-violet eyes and smiles. Another rare thing.

"I don't know." Denmark shrugs, smiling back. "I love you."

Lukas's ears turned sunburn red. "I-I love you too."

WE HAVE BREACHED THREE THOUSAND READS!!!!! This is your gift for that goal:

Three chapters consecutively of one of the following ships:
SwissAus ((maybe on this one...))
France x Australia ((does anyone know this ship name??))
Or something I have forgotten!

Comment on what ever ship you would like and by the 30th of June I will tally all the votes. By July 3rd or 4th I should have them written and posted.

Stay free, stallions~

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