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"Espana." Romano looked up the ladder at said Spaniard. "What do you-a thing you are doing?" He was fixing something, replacing the glass dome on the ceiling light. Lovino pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "Get down from there." Antonio looked at him with a screwdriver in his mouth, smiling around it.

"Mn a mnuce." That translates to 'in a minute'. Lovino reached up and grabbed Spain around the waist, pulling him down after the dome was screwed back into the ceiling. He squeaked in surprise at the Italian's strength. "Lovi, I was changing a light bulb."

"You also shouldn't be on the ladder." Spain huffed, crossing his arms over a small bump in his belly. Rosalina came into the house, carrying a basket of apples and some strawberries. She saw the ladder and sighed. "I told you to-a watch him."

"And I did... until I had to-a let Oliver out." The dog brushed against Lovino, watching attention. "And I had to pick some fruit for a salad later." She scolded her mother lightly, setting the basket down on the counter. Spain snatched a strawberry, getting his shoulder lightly smacked as he nibbled on it with a smirk.

"Go upstairs. I will deal with you in a second." Lovino didn't look happy, so Antonio did as he was asked. He rubbed his growing stomach lovingly, feeling bad for making Romano mad. Stretching out under the blankets, he leaned on the pillows and caressed his abdomen. Romano opened the door a moment later, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry, mí amor." Spain had the kicked puppy look on his face, instantly softening up the Italian. He tucked his knees into his chest, resting his chin there with his lip between his teeth.

He sighed, shaking his head and moving around to Spain's side. He gave his shoulders a squeeze, kissing under his jaw just behind his ear. "I just don't-a want you to get hurt." He ran a hand through his hair, letting the Spanish speaker rest against his body. Antonio sniffles, burying his face into his lover's shoulder.

"I didn't mean to make you worry." He squeezed Romano tighter, hiccupping. Lovino shushed him, running a hand through his hair soothingly. He moved away, forcing their eyes to meet.

"Please, don't cry. Why are crying?" Spain wiped at the tears, looking into Lovi's caring eyes.

"You're mad at me." He hiccupped, sniffling again. "I don't like it when you're mad at me." Lovino sighed, hugging him again.

"I'm not mad, tomato bastardo." He kisses his neck, nuzzling the spot. "Just worried. Now stop crying." Southern Italy held Spain's cheeks between his hands and squished them together. He smiled at Lovino, laughing.

"I'll try." He took a deep sniff to clear out his nose, rubbing away any tears that he hadn't felt. "Promise you're not mad?" He winced while asking, watching the very amused eyes of his husband roll towards the ceiling.

"If I have said it-a once, I will say it again." He took his partner's hands, kissing the knuckles. "I promise I am not-a mad." Spain leaned in for a sweet kiss, getting what he wanted. "Now, want to go steal some-a berries?"

"Rosalina will kill us." Spain rose a brow.

Lovino smiled devilishly. "Now, who said she would-a know?"

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