Chapter 6: I love you

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Chapter 6: I love you

Demi's P.O.V

I stood up a second later and went out of the front room. No one, and I mean no one is was to get away with talking about my little girl like that. Who does my mother think she is?

"Mum." I called out as I went outside. She turned around to face me. I went towards her a minute later before I slapped her across the face. My mum looked at me shocked for a second before she hit me back.

"No one talks to my little girl like that and gets away with it. You might not understand Aimee and why she does the things she does but you can't talk to her like that. I won't allow you to. She's not a freak and neither is Mackenzie and I'm not going to let you call them one! Now accept them for who they are or get the fuck out and never come back!" I yelled at my mom

My mother snorted. "You think it's normal for Aimee to act the way she acts? It isn't and it's what happens when you let children get away with murder! If you had ran away when you were Mackenzie's age I wouldn't of reward you with treats! She's just being controlling Demi." My mother replied to me

"I know Aimee isn't like the average child but I don't care. I love her for who she is and if you can't accept her for her then you don't deserve to have the privilege of having her in your life mum." I told her a minute later.

"Privilege? Please, that brat isn't a privilege she's a nuisance and needs to be punished every once in awhile." My mother snapped at me.

Anger grew inside of my body. "No she's not!" I yelled as I clenched my fists in anger

"Yes she is! The whole world would have been better of if she wasn't born!" My mum yelled back.

"Get out of my drive way and never come back. No one talks about my kids like that and gets away with it! You are supposed to be their grandmother and love them unconditionally!"

"I wouldn't love that thing if I was dying and the only way for my to survive was to love her!" I was about to pounce on her when Alex came running towards me and pulled me back.

"Diana. Get out before I call the cops." Alex said to my mum. I thrashed against him, my maternal instincts fully kicking in and Mumma bear mode on full swing. "And before Demi fucking kills you." Alex added a minute later.

My mum started to walk away as Alex made the mistake of letting go of me. I ran towards her and smacked her around the cheek once again. "Never come near my Cubs ever again." I told her through gritted teeth.

Aimee's P.O.V

Sophie and Mackenzie carried me and Elizabeth upstairs to bed. Mackenzie was carrying Elizabeth while Sophie was carrying me. She carried me into my room and towards my bed before she placed me on my bed and tucked me in a minute later

"Sophie. Was what Nana said true? Am I really a freak?" I asked her as she sat down beside me.

"No Aimee. You're not a freak." Sophie replied to me.

"But Nana says..." Sophie interrupted me a second later.

"Nana was wrong. You are not a freak Aimee, you're my little sister and I love you to pieces okay?" Sophie asked me. I nodded my head as Sophie kissed me on the forehead.

Mum came in a minute later as Sophie stood up. Sophie walked out of the room as mum sat down on my bed and laid down beside me.

"Mummy do you think I'm a freak?" I asked her.

"Of course not Aimee. Why would you think that!"

"Because Nana..." I trailed off as mum's face hardened.

"You are not a freak Aimee Grace Lovato and I don't want to hear you call yourself one ever again. Do you understand me Aimee?" Mum asked me. I nodded my head at her before I yawned slightly and rubbed my eyes.

"Night baby girl. I'll see you in the morning Aimee." Mum whispered as she kissed me on the cheek and got up from my bed. I fell asleep as mum went out of my bedroom door.

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