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I'm forgetting something I just know it.

"Nikki hurry up we will be late for your wedding." Haylee peeked through the door.

"I can be late all I want. I'm the damn bride. If they want a wedding they better fill up on patience and sit there pretty butts down."

Haylee let out an exasperated sigh.@justdance3455

(inner bridezilla 💖😉)

Yeah. Deal with it, I thought.

I'm forgetting something. I know I am. Something old?

Check. Something blue?

Check. My shoes? Earrings? I don't know.

Haylee stomped into the room and dragged me out the door into the awaiting car.

"Your dad is in front of the cathedral, waiting to walk you in. Lucas is anxiously waiting your arrival inside and so are all the other guests." Haylee said checking things off her list.

"Are you getting wedding day jitters Nikki?"

"I don't know how to feel. My emotions are all over the place. I'm so happy yet afraid and excited."

"Don't worry. Lucas loves you. You love him. Everything thing will be great. You look so beautiful Nikki. I'm jealous." Haylee joked.

Her reassuring calmed my nerves down and allowed me to take on what's happening today.

I'm getting married!! I mentally screamed.

I chose Hayley as my bridesmaid and little Haley is my ring bearer and of course with the help of Little Derek.

The car stopped in front of the cathedral where my dad was waiting for me on top of the steps. When he saw the car he slowly started descending the stairs.

"You look beautiful honey,"  dad said, his voice growing thick with emotion. He wrapped my hand around his elbow.

"I am proud of you. Of the person you have become. If Lucas ever does anything you don't like I'm only a phone call away."

We reached the altar where Lucas was nervously waiting.

"You take care of my daughter."

"It is my priority sir." Lucas took my hand from my father and kissed it. 

With that we faced the priest.


"Now I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Lucas placed his hand on my moist cheek and gave me one of the most sweetest kisses I have experienced.

The applause of our family and friends broke our kiss apart.

"Congrats!", everyone screamed.

We walked down the red carpet passing the white and red flower arrangements.

Lucas held my waist all the way to the open doors where we were received with rose petals and white rice.

"I am so happy for you honey", my mom said while hugging me.

After our parents hugged us we  were separated and hugged by all of our relatives and then pushed into the car.

"I am so happy Lucas."

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