Chapter 11

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Sorry for the wait guysm hope you like it. A bit of a filler chapter, lots of emotions!


Chapter 11

Hailey (The human girl in the rebellion, her sister is Katrina.)

"What are you talking about Hails? What did Dad make you do?" My sister was holding me as I sat on my bed, the curtains closed and my feet drawn up to me. Tears trailed down my face as I sniffed loudly, burying my face by her shoulder and sobbing.

She patted my back comfortingly, rubbing soothing circles around. "Calm down Hails, talk to me. Maybe I can help."

How could I have done that? So many of them were taken by the special forces, so many of them were killed. I hurt my friends, hell, I doubt they would even be my friends now. Someone must have figured out that it was me, I mean I suggested that we go earlier. I can't believe I betrayed them like that. I'm pathetic.

I hiccuped and continued sobbing, my father had congratulated me. As if it's an accomplishment to end half of those peoples lives. They were teenagers! Just teenagers, like me, like Kat. It was inhumane, I'm just grateful that some got away and some were killed. It may sound like I'm heartless, but anything is better than being taken to the facility. I've heard stories, dreadful stories, the type that make your cringe twice over and have nightmares for weeks to come.

My sister pushed me in front of her, brushing my hair away from my face. "Ok, you're going to have to tell me now ok. I need to know so I can help you," she spoke soothingly, her voice ringing out like tiny tinkling bells.

I let out a shuddering breath and stared right at her. "Dad...he, he made me kill a lot of people Kat...not directly. But, but it's my fault they died! It's my fault they were taken away! Kat, I murdered people, took them away from their famili-" my voice was rising above hysterics and she quickly pulled me into her chest, hushing me and petting my hair.

She was confused when she spoke and I felt bad for her. She really didn't know much about what happened around her. She tended to block it out. Dad blames it on earlier happenings.

"What do you mean you killed people Hailey?" Her voice was so soft, so confused. I didn't know how to tell her.

I sighed and shook my head. I was about to talk but a loud rap on the door made me stop. My father came barrelling into our room, staring disapprovingly at us.

"Get up and get dressed, prim and proper girls. The King shall be arriving shortly."

My eyes widened and I sniffed loudly. The King was coming?!



I glared at him from across the room, my hatred rolling off me in waves. Stupid fucker.  I sat atop one of the bar stools, my leg crossed over the other. My lips were set in a thin line, my eyes were extremely light and well, I was pissed off.

Dante sat in one of the armchairs talking quietly to Morgan and Seth. I scoffed and turned around to sip from the glass of water next to me. I was so agitated my wings had escaped from my shirt and now sat at full mast, flapping occasionally. When angels were angry and or annoyed, their wings would expand to its full width making them appear more intimidating like a bird does sometimes.

I eyed the twins as they turned around to occasionally look at me.  I ground my teeth together, annoyed with everyone in this room right now. I tapped my fingers against the table, I glanced around the room and I could tell Dante was getting annoyed. I continued my insistent tapping, getting harder and louder. I wanted to agitate him; I wanted to make him angry. I was acting like a petulant child but I couldn’t care less.

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