Chapter 3: "For Candy..."

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Annie looked at the young man on the floor, drunk. Terry was drunk! He was getting drunk. He was probably doing it because of Candy's death... Oh my God! Poor Terry! He loved Candy so much. What should she do? He could get robbed...

As a matter of fact, she heard:

- He's well dressed! He must be rich! Let's look in his pockets...

Annie said to herself that she had to act fast... she took her purse and she ran to Terry quickly, passing the guys who wanted to rob Terry.

- TERRY!!! THIS IS WHERE I FIND YOU???! Yelled Annie

- What? Said Terry who was didn't understand

When Terry is drunk, he would snap out of it after a few punches on his face. So hearing a woman's voice yelling at him, he was completely lost... Who the devil was that girl?! Another working girl who thought he was her private property! He didn't need that. He tried to get up... it was very hard for him to do so.

The two men who wanted to rob him decided to give up when they saw Annie intervene...

- Who the hell are you? Said Terry pushing Annie away, leave me alone! Go fuck yourself!

Annie had never seen Terry drunk before, much less using foul language! She was shocked... She wanted to leave him there... but she thought about Candy, if Candy loved Terry, her love was unconditional.

"I'm doing this for you Candy. Oh my God, please give me the strength ..."

- What's with the drunken sailor's language? Said Annie, let's go home Terry! You're making a spectacle of yourself!

- Well, I'm an actor, am I not? The King of Broadway! Yes, that's me!

- Of course, Your Majesty, said Annie, let's go back to your castle...

- All right, said Terry

Annie went to get her suitcase and got out of the building with Terry. Too bad for her room, it could wait... But the barman called her.

- Hey Madam! You didn't  pay for your drink!

Annie went back and she walked to the bar. She gave money to the barman.

- Would that be enough?

- Yes... what about the room, do you want it or not?

- Of course... I was talking my friend home and I'll be back.

- Very well.

Annie joined Terry who had already started to walk on his own. She arrived at his level.

- Terry...

- What the hell do you want from me!? A roll in the hay? Then would you leave me alone?

Annie became bright as red.

- Oh Terry, watch your language! I'm going to get us a cab...

She managed to stop a taxi after a few minutes. Terry was reciting something from "Romeo and Juliet"...

- Death, lie thou there, by a dead man interr'd. How oft when men are at the point of death have they been merry! Which their keepers call .A lightning before death: O, how may I call this a lightning? O my love! My wife! Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty: Thou art not conquer'd; beauty's ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there. Tybalt, liest thou there in thy bloody sheet? O, what more favour can I do to thee, Than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain To sunder his that was thine enemy? Forgive me, cousin! Ah, dear Juliet, Why art thou yet so fair? shall I believe That unsubstantial death is amorous, And that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour? For fear of that, I still will stay with thee; And never from this palace of dim night...

Annie was sad for him. She helped him get inside the taxi

- Where are we going Terry, what's your address?

Like his lucidity came back for a few seconds, he gave his address...

When they arrived in front of Terry's house, Annie helped him get out after looking inside his pocket for his wallet. She took some money inside and paid for the fare. She also found a set of keys in his pockets and she opened the door of his house. With her bag, her suitcase and Terry, it was not easy. But she managed to do it. She got in the house with Terry. And they went to the living room together. Terry threw himself on the couch.

- Did you have something to eat Terry?

- Take a hike! I'm not hungry!

- You can't drink that much on an empty stomach Terry, you're going to get yourself more sick

- Get away from me! You're pissing me off...

"My God, this guy is absolutely unbearable! But for you Candy...? She said to herself.

Annie went to the kitchen to see if there was something to eat . Terry must have a maid or a housekeeper, someone at his service for this big house just for himself. She found the kitchen all clean and she looked in the oven, she found some chicken and some potatoes with vegetables, all baked.

- That's perfect! At least someone is taking care of him ... Said Annie out loud, now I need to sober him's not going to be easy...

Annie went back to the living room and she found Terry by the bar serving himself more scotch...

- Terry!

- What? You again! I told you to go fuck yourself! Leave me the fuck alone!

- You're out of luck, because I'm going to take care of you Terry... now, put that glass down! Said Annie taking his glass.

- No! I'm thirsty!

He wanted to walk to Annie to take his glass back, but he lost his balance and he would've fell if he had not held on to the bar. Annie was looking at him, she put the glass on the coffee table and she walked to Terry.

- Terry...

- Get lost! Get out of here!

"Oh my God! What wouldn't we do for the people we love...? Candy... Oh dear God, please help me!"

- No, Terry, come with me... You need a nice cold shower...

- A... a... shower?

- Yes... you want to come with me?

- You want to take a shower...with me? Like... that's very nice of you... but after that you get lost right?

- Yes Terry... let's go take a shower...

Annie took Terry by the waist. His body was nice and warm...

"Of course his body is warm! He's alive and kicking! Good grief Annie! What's going through your mind?" She said to herself

They went up the stairs, with Terry tripping and holding on to her.

- Are you ok Terry? She said when he tripped again

- Yes, there's my bedroom, that's the one, he said pointing at a door

Annie opened the door; it was big and spacious with a canopy bed. They walked to the bed and they both fell on it. Terry was on top of Annie... and he was fast asleep!

- Great! Said Annie

Terry's breath was reeking alcohol, but for some reason, it didn't bother her. Having Terry on top of her like... it was a twirling sensation! Archibald barely touched her! She had never been that close to him like she was with Terry right now!

Annie closed her eyes and she rested for a little while, with Terry still on top of her!

"What am I doing? If anybody sees me like this, my reputation would be ruined! But... oh I don't care! It's for my dear Candy..." She thought.

She pushed Terry away with all her strength and she managed to move him beside her... He woke up and he smiled...

- Hey beautiful!

And he put his lips on hers and he kissed her fierily... Annie felt Terry's tongue in her mouth and she was wondering what to do... the smell of alcohol, the proximity and now the kiss... it was so good! Reluctantly, her tongue responded to Terry's strokes with his, she closed her eyes and responded to the kiss with all her heart and the world cease to exist around her. A thousand candles just lit up her body... she had a tingling sensation and she moaned. When the kiss abruptly stopped... Terry was asleep. Annie was a little puzzled by that her erratic behaviour...

- Oh my God! What have I done?

She became bright as red. She stood up and she went to the adjacent bathroom to put some water on her face. What the hell was happening to her? Ever since Candy's death, it's like she was lost, she defied her mother, survived her break up with Archibald, she found herself with a cent, she met a drunken Terry and she decided to take the impossible task to help him and put him back on the wagon... "For Candy"... If she, Annie had died, Candy would have taken care of Archibald...

"In fact I'm sure that Archie would have danced of joy on my grave, he would have been glad to be finally free to court Candy at his ease!... What on earth am I thinking?!"

- I'm here to help Terry, not to get in his bed! Even though I know some who wouldn't ask for anything else than to do that... He's a really good kisser... That's enough Annie! He's drunk and he won't even remember it! After Archie, I'll be damned if I'm going to be with a man who is thinking about someone else! Let's go get Terry to put him under the shower...I have to sober him up, before he does something we're both going to regret...

She got out of the bathroom and she went on the bed where Terry was now laying down, on top of the bedspread. She touched him on the shoulder...

- Terry? Terry, wake up...

- What? What? Now what???!

Annie looked at him. He was drunk... but it was because he had lost Candy for good. She had to help him get back on the wagon, life goes on... Candy wouldn't have want to see him go down the hill like that... For Candy...

"You also liked the kiss for Candy?! You little slut!!!" Said Annie

He stood up and she took advantage to take him to the bathroom under the shower... He was startled when the cold water touched him, but it was like it had also calmed him. The cold water on his head was putting his ideas back in place...; and the cruel reality also came back with it. Candy was dead; his dear Candy was no longer in this world! Life didn't make anymore sense to him... He lived for Candy, so she would be proud of him, the first time; the vision of her in tears had knocked some sense into him. But now, life didn't make anymore sense to him... The cloud in his mind was starting to fade away... what was he doing under the shower? Who had put him there? He was all dressed up, which meant that nothing happened...yet... He actually fell on a girl who didn't do anything with him while he was drunk? She was either a saint, or she had an agenda... If it was the case, she was going to be disappointed, and she should've taken advantage of his drunkenness, because now, he wasn't going to give her anything. He was going to thank her, that's all. No, that wasn't nice... why not take advantage? Since he had nothing to do to get girls to fall for him... whether he was drunk or sober. He got out of the shower, took his wet clothes off, and threw them in a corner. He was now buck naked. He took a hot shower. He got out and wiped himself, and then he got out of the bathroom, buck naked... He was expecting to find some bimbo waiting for him naked on his bed...

Annie went to kitchen while Terry was in the shower sobering up. She took the food in the oven; the roasted chicken, the potatoes and the vegetables. She looked in the cupboards and she found a tray and some plates. She put the chicken on a plate with the potatoes and the vegetables. She took a bottle of water and a glass. She carried the tray upstairs to Terry's room. She was putting the tray on his night table when she saw Terry coming out of the bathroom buck naked...

- So beautiful, you are...? Said Terry

Annie dropped the tray of food on the night table and she turned around bright as red.

- Oh my God! She said

Terry had recognized her.

- Annie Brighton? What the devil are you doing here?

- I... I...I took you back here... I...

- You're the one who found me?

Terry went to the bathroom to get a robe and put it on.

- Yes, said Annie still turning her back on him

- You can turn around Annie... I'm not naked anymore... and I have a killer of a headache! I think I'm still a little wasted...

Annie turned around slowly like she was afraid he was still naked. But Terry was now wearing a white robe. His hair was wet.

"He's so handsome" She said to herself

- I... I'm going to go..., said Annie softly. You eat the food before you sleep, you'll feel better...

- Annie, wait!

But Annie ran as fast as she could, out of the bedroom and the villa after grabbing her stuff. She stopped a cab and she went back to the bar where she had found a room earlier.

Terry looked at her go, powerless. He had a killer headache and he sat on the bed to eat. He felt a lot better. He was able to sleep a little... He thought about Candy... and the awful pain also came back as usual. He had to drink to forget. He wasn't fine, he showed himself naked in front of Candy's best friend and sister!

"The young and shy young lady ran out of here like the devil was after her! She was right to do so. I wouldn't trust me right now... oh Candy! I miss you so much!"

He fell asleep again, and he had lots of nightmares... for a while then he slept well.

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