Chapter 13: "A shadow between us..."

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Terry went to see his friend Charlie at his work place. He was at the bar, talking to him.

- Can you run that by me again? You were with an actress and...?

- I couldn't do anything..., said Terry.

- What do you mean, you couldn't do anything? You didn't feel like it?

- I was dying to doit! It's been months... I've almost forgot about it...

- You forgot how to have sex? Are you all right buddy?

- I mean, I wasn't really thinking about it.

- And why is that?

- I don't know...

- Terry, said Charlie with a severe tone.

- What?

- How's your "roommate"?

- Annie? What does she have to do with all this?

- Answer my question...

- She's fine...

- What about your level...?

- Still the same...

- Ah...

- It's your fault! I was fine living with her, you had to come and put ideas in my head!

- You're honestly going to tell me that you've never thought about putting Annie in your bed?

- She's Candy's sister, Charlie...

- You're not going to start with that song again! She's a beautiful woman, very desirable! Who happens to live under the same roof as you...

- We haven't been seeing each other a lot lately...

- And why is that?

Terry told him what happened on New Year's Day...

- You kissed her... you played piano together, then... nothing at all?

- What did you expect was going to happen?

- I would've given her a rose and dance the Tango with her... I bet that's what you wanted to do...

- It takes two to Tango...

- Correct me if I'm wrong, there was two of you...

- Charlie, stop it! That's enough! It's not going to happen! She's...

- Candy's sister! Yes, I know that! But you're frustrated because you don't have the one you really want... and you can't even have fun anymore!

- Yes, I can still have fun! I have to! I have to do it!! Give me another glass of Scotch! I need it!

- Are you sure? You could end up doing nonsense!

- It's going to calm me down...

Charlie poured him another glass... Terry went back home completely drunk...

He woke up with a hangover and with a girl. That hadn't happen to him in a long time... Since... Since Annie was living with him...

- Good morning honey... Do you have the strength now? Said the girl.

- The strength for what? Asked a surprised Terry

- For... you know...

- No...

- Euh... f*uck?

- You mean...

- You were so drunk... you fell asleep when you saw your bed... it was like that's all you were waiting for...

- Take your stuff and get out! Said Terry.

- But...

- It's money you want...?

- Non... we didn't do anything, you have nothing to pay for... But don't worry, I won't tell anyone that the King of Broadway is a bag of wind! No one will believe me anyway!
The girl took her stuff and got out of the room saying:

- Good bye darling, it was wonderful. Come and get me again anytime you want...
She closed the door and saw Annie looking at her stunned. She had a big mocking smile and left the house.

Annie went to her room hurt...She was disappointed. She knew Terry "had fun" but to see a girl coming out of his room so early in the morning... That hurt a lot. She went alone at the theatre. That's what they did now, everything separately... They didn't have lunch together anymore. Terry was going out with other girls and Annie was hurting thinking about the hotel room that was certainly being used...

At the end of the day, before she left, she walked by Terry's dressing room and she found him with an actress in his arms... Susanna was passing by and looked with her.

- Looks like, you didn't last very long, he got bored fast..., she said.

Annie didn't reply and she left...


Annie was going out regularly with Archie and this last one, to show her his good faith, was helping her with the papers for her future boutique, during his free time. The Andrew name opened a lot of doors. And Archie was ready to vouch for her at the bank so she could get a loan and start her store. He was doing all that with the hope that Annie would end up giving in and go back to Chicago with him.

- Annie, come back with me to Chicago and we're going to continue over there, it's even better, I know a lot of people who could help us...

- Archie, I want to make it here, not in Chicago... For fashion, you know New York is a lot better don't you think so...?

- As a matter of fact...

- So you understand why I want to stay here?

- Yes... But you're living with Terry... and I don't like that...

- Well fortunately, I'm an independent woman lately...

- I'm sorry Annie... I wanted so much to get closer to you... what do you say? You want to come at my place after dinner for a last drink?

Annie looked at him. She thought about the girl she had met in the morning in the hallway. She thought about the girl in Terry's arms at the theatre... So she said:

- One last glass? Why not? Let's go... now can we talk about our business?

Archie looked at her smiling, a smile of triumph. He talked business with pleasure and he was in a hurry to go to his place with Annie... For the night. He had managed to have her to himself...

Annie drank more wine than usual to give herself some courage... It was a big step she was about to make...

The Andrew Manor was silent. The Reagan were gone with the great aunt Elroy by order of the great Uncle William. Eliza was complaining, since her suitor was in Chicago, Albert ordered her to leave and to get to know her future husband. He was not going let her make a fool of herself by throwing herself at Terrence Grandchester's head. She was sulking so much she was about to burst. Albert and patricia were on a trip, both of them for some reporting assignment in Philadelphia.

So Archie and Annie were alone with the help. They got into the big living room and Archie took her in his arms to kiss her fierily. She kissed him back, she was wanted to, it was good, she wanted to let herself go. Archie took her in her arms and carried her to his bedroom, still kissing her passionately. They arrived in the bedroom, he turned on the light... and he took Annie on his canopy bed. He undid his shirt and Annie's dress and took it off. She in her underwear. He kissed her on the neck and he would go down to the beginning of her breast... Annie was moaning of pleasure... He got the right breast out and put it in his mouth, while caressing the tip of the one. The pleasure was getting stronger and getting to her head... Archie took her lips again for a passionate kiss... he took her breast back, licked it, caressed it with his tongue, bit it with his teeth. Sensations in Annie body were multiplying...

- Oh yes..., she moaned, don't stop...

Archie was very excited, he wanted to take off Annie's underwear, but he wanted to take off his pants first.

- Oh Annie, I want you so much my darling...

- I'm here...Oh Terry... take me now!

For Archie, it was like he had just received a cold shower. He let go of Annie and stood up at once. Annie opened her eyes surprised and she was wondering what was going on.

- Archie? She said, what's going on?

- You just called me "Terry"! He said angry.

Annie became bright as red. She stood up...

- Archie...

- You better go, he said hurt

Annie picked up her dress and put it back on.

- I'm sorry...

- During the whole evening, you didn't say his name once! I suppose the fire of the passion made you say what you really wanted!!!!! But he doesn't want you, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be here with me... Go away!

- Archie... I'm sorry..., said Annie leaving the room.

She went to get her purse which had stayed in the living room and got our of the manor... She had to look for a cab to go back at Terry's.

Archie went downstairs to pour himself a glass of scotch in one of the living rooms. That's where Patricia and Albert found him when they came back from their trip.

- You're back already? He said.

- Hi Archie, said Albert, are you ok?

- No!

- Oh, said Patricia, something's wrong?

Archie didn't reply and he poured himself another glass of Scotch, which he drank in one shot!

- How many glassed have you drank so far? Asked Albert.

- I don't know and I don't care! Said Archie.

- What happened? Asked Albert.

- Annie? Said Patricia.

- I was with her here... and we went to my bedroom.

- Oh, said Patricia very surprised, she agreed to follow you? She was sober?

- What are you insinuating Patty? That she needs to be drunk to be with me?

- What happened? Asked Albert again.

- During our moment of passion and before I could do anything, she called me "TERRY"!!!!!! Screamed Archie.

- Oh..., said Patricia who turned around so she wouldn't laugh.

- Are you sure of what you've heard? Asked Albert.

- Of course I'm sure! It was a real cold shower! Said Archie

- Well, you knew she lived with Terry, didn't you?

- They were just friends, that's what she was saying... but apparently it's more than that..., said Archie.

- So I supposed that Terry won, said Albert.

- I give up, I'm not going to help her with her boutique...

- You promised to help her Archie, said Patty, that's not nice.

- I thought we were going to get back together...

- So you give up, said Albert.

- Terry is playing her, he's a womanizer, he's not going to make an honest women out of her!

- And are you doing?

- I'm going back to Chicago... she called me "Terry"!!!! It's making me sick!!!!

- So you're dumping her again? Said Albert.

- I love her! Said Archie in rage... I realized it too late...

- She's still free, Archie, don't give up...

- For the moment, I don't want to hear anything! Said Archie angry.

He stood up to leave the living room to go back to his bedroom. Albert and Patricia looked at each other.

- Looks like it's pleasing you, said Albert...

- No, but it was still funny, wasn't it? Archie and Terry had been rivals for all their lives for Candy, while Annie only had eyes for him... and now he finally realizes that Annie is alive, and she wants Terry???!!! How ironic!

- Oh yes, what goes aroung, comes around..., said Albert smilng.


Annie ended up finding a taxi. Fortunately the Andrew Manor was in the good area of the city where there were not thugs. She arrived at Terry's and she opened the door. There was lights on in one of the living room. She passed in front of it and she saw Terry having a drink. They eyes met. She didn't say anything, him either. She got in the living room...

- You want to prevent me from drinking?

- No... Can you pour me a drink?

Terry looked at her stunned.

- What happened? The dandy tried to jump your bones?

- He didn't try... I wanted him to...

Terry felt like they were ripping his heart out of his chest. Annie and the dandy? Tears of rage came to his eyes. He did everything to hide them.

- So congratulations are in order? You've become a woman in the arms of your dear dandy! You need to drink to that indeed!

Terry poured a glass of Scotch for her and gave it to her. Annie took the glass and she drank then she started to cough.

- How awful! She said continuing coughing, what do you like in this! It's awful!

Terry smiled and poured a glass of water and give it to her.

- Here, it's going to help you.

Annie took the glass of water and she drank. Her cough calmed her down immediately.

- You're a woman and you can't drink a little bit of alcohol?

- To be a woman doesn't mean I have to get drunk... And for your information, my dear Terry, I've always been a woman, even if you haven't realized it... I'm a woman as much as all the mistresses you bring here and that you see at the theatre...

- I don't agree, said Terry softly, those mistresses, like you call them, don't have your refinement, your softness or your kindness... I envy the dandy who got you... How was it, by the way?

He was asking the question, heartbroken; it was great thing to be an actor. He could pretend ans hide his real feelings.

- It was... interesting...

- Interesting? No incontrollable pleasure?

- No...

- What? Did he hurt you? You said you wanted to, right?

- That's not it... , she said with tears in her eyes.

- What then?

- I ruined everything...

- By your non-experience? He could've guided you! Said Terry the heart bleeding! He wasn't angry at you for that at least?

Annie looked at Terry and she was hurt to see him so indifferent! She had just insinuated to him that she had been intimate with the dandy and Terry continued talking like she had just told him that she had just bought flowers! Tears came to her eyes and she turned around.

- I'm going to bed!

Terry saw Annie's eyes... And...And what? Why was she crying? Did she regret giving herself to the dandy? Was the dandy clumsy? What the hell was going on?

Annie got out of the living room and almost ran to her bedroom where she locked her door twice! And she burst into tears!!! Terry didn't care about her at all! Her love was one sided, once again and she was heartbroken! Terry was in love with Candy, like Archie was! And she would be damned if she was going to throw herself again at the head of a man in love with another woman!!!

Terry was in the living room, perplexed by Annie sudden change. What the hell was going on?

She had given herself to the dandy... the dandy!!! How could she have done that after... after what in fact? Did he do anything to show Annie that... he was interested in her? All his attempts to have a quickie didn't pan out, due to his "lack of concentration" called "Annie Brighton"... His mistresses didn't complain, they knew there were good and bad days and that the King of Broadway was kind of under the weather lately... But they wouldn't admit that for all the money in the world, they wouldn't want to be taken for non desirable easy girls, unable to excite the King of Broadway...

" She's Candy's sister..." He started in his head.

And this time, the sentence continued...

"...And she's also a very beautiful woman and I can't stop thinking about her!!!!"

There! He had finally said it! The gentleman had stopped protesting.

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