You Sing Him To Sleep

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Imagine that it was late at night and Michael was having a nightmare. You felt him mumbling something and tossing around. He didn't seem to notice how loud he was until you tried to wake him up.

"Michael!! Michael!!" You yelled, shaking him awake.

He sprung up and begun panting. "Huh? What happened?"

"You had a nightmare again."

"Oh." He was wiping off all the sweat off his face and laid back down. "I dont think I will be able to fall asleep again."

"Hmm... What if I sing something to help you sleep? You love when I do that," you suggested and smiled.

"Okay. But what would you sing for me?" He said cuddling into your chest. You sat up a little so he could lay on your chest.

"What about Anita Baker?" You said and he nodded to that.

"Okay.. Here goes.." You said taking a deep breath.

When we met, always knew
I would feel the magic for you
On my mind constantly
In my arms is where you should be

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare
When I feel the magic of you

We stand side by side
Till the storms of life pass us by
Light my life, warm my heart
Say tonight will be just the start

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all time

Caught up in the rapture of love
Nothing else can compare
When I feel the magic of you
The feeling's always new
Caught up in the rapture of you

I love you here by me, baby
You let my love fly free
I want you in my life for all tilove

Caught up in the rapture of love
Caught up in the rapture of love

You soon heard Michaels soft snores and his heavy breathing. You kissed his cute little nose and slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, you woke up to the sound of Michaels voice singing in the bathroom. But you recognized the tune. It was the same song you sung to him the night before.

You went behind him and hugged his waist from behind. You rested your head on his back and inhaled his strong aroma.

"YN you got that song stuck in my head. And I like it," he said and turned around.

You smiled as he leaned down for a peck on your lips.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in like a long ass time. With my finals done and my last day of school being last Thursday, I just wanted to catch up on my favorite books and all that. Now, I have more time! Which means more books to come soon! I'll most likely do a double update or maybe a triple update? Idek. Well.. Byee! 👋


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