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        THERE'S A VOICE WHISPERING his name. Calling for him. It was so quiet, so subtle, that he wouldn't even remember it the next morning. But for now, as he's sitting in a heap of dirty clothes, clutching his head, it's real. It's so real he can't bear it.

        It's your fault, Simon. All yours.

        You're a burden to everyone around you, Simon.

        Simon, Simon, SIMON!

        He wakes up, suddenly not sitting in a mountain of dirty clothes. Instead, he's sweating profusely on top of his bed and all the voices in his head are screaming one thing, and one thing only.

        Find Analia. Find Analia Barrows.


        Oliver couldn't get his mind off the strange girl at Ricky's. He couldn't stop thinking about her gorgeous face, killer smile and beautiful bouncy blonde hair. And god, don't even get him started on her eyes. It was like a forest and a mountain of emeralds crashed and created the most beautiful color on earth, then it was bestowed upon her eyes. Her eyes were full of mischief and fun, but Oliver had also seen a fire of rage in them. Too big and deep to be put out.

        Who knows, maybe he was overthinking it.

        But one thing he did know though, is that he was going to be visiting Ricky's a lot more.


        Analia Barrows hadn't meant to hurt her sister's feelings. She loved her sister. But the voices whispering in her head didn't.

        That girl isn't worth it, they said. She'll only ruin your life. Analia, don't you see? She only means trouble. Adah's worthless, you're doing her a favor by letting her know.

        Analia, Analia, ANALIA!

        She drops her fork and runs to the bathroom, ignoring the cries of concern from the people at the dinner table. As soon as she's inside she locks the door. She was still clutching her head, so she let go and looked up into the mirror.

        Her makeup was running from her eyes. She was crying.

        She hadn't cried since the voices started talking to her. They said it was a sign of weakness, Analia hated feeling weak.

        She knew she had to stop crying, or else they would come back. The voices.

       And they did, but instead of screaming at her, they urgently ushered a name. Repeated it over and over until it was permanently stuck in Analia's head.

       Find Simon. Find Simon Crowley.

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