I'm back at Kings house. We had a little thing for Anthony. But now Tanya, and Warren have been more distant from me and King. Since the incident at now Tanya's apartment, King had me under strict watch. I wasn't allowed to leave the home. And if I did I was with either him or another troop of Vice Kings. So I don't go out much.
Me: I'm soooooooo bored!
Vice Guy 1: Sorry sweetie. We have strict orders from King to watch you here.
Me: Why here?
Vice Guy 2: Who knows? But your staying here.
Me: Ugh. But I'm soooooooo bored.
Vice Guy 3: You know what? That's too damn bad. Your stuck here ok? Do you honestly think we want to be here!?
I got so pissed. I got up, slapped him and ran to my room.
Vice Guy 2: Nice going.
I was sitting in there for a good 20 minutes without someone coming to get me. So I decided to do something for myself. I grabbed my bag and jacket and decided to sneak out. The only problem was, we are like 20 floors up.
Damn. What to do now?
I peak out my door to see the guys watching some game on tv. I quietly snuck out the room and headed out. The only thing is I had to go through the room they were in. I quietly tiptoed behind the couch they were on. At first I was going to take the elevator. But then I decided to go down the stairs. Once I got about three floors down I ran the whole way out the building.
I was walking the main streets of Stelwater, just looking for the right shop.
Me: Found it.
I looked up at the sign that read 'Rusty's Needle'. I sorta smiled. The chimes went off as I walked in, there was only one person working there. But he was deep into a drawing. I walked up to the counter.
Me: Um excuse me?
He looked up and smiled.
Guy: Hey. What can I do for you?
He looked me up and down. Which made me feel uncomfortable.
Guy: Let me guess, first tattoo?
I nodded. He lead me to a wall.
Guy: These are popular first tattoo that most woman seem to like.
I moved to a different wall of tattoos. I found one I really liked. I told the guy the tat I wanted and he looked at me weird.
Guy: Are you sure?
Me: Positive.
He agreed and drew it out. Then told me to sit. After two gruling hours of pain, he was finally done. I couldn't be happier. I was kinda hungry so I went back to that place 'Freckled Bitches'.
King's P.O.V.
I walked into the room to see the boys I had to watch Ariann, instead watching the game. I went up to them.
Me: Where's Ariann?
Boys: In her room.
Me: Well did she eat? Is she ok? Is there something wrong?
Vice Guy 3: King calm down.
Me: Excuse me?
Vice Guy 2: Mr. King please relax. She's fine.
I breathed and walked to her room. I opened the door.
Me: Ariann, you alright?
But when I looked in her room she wasn't there. I freaked.
Me: She isn't in her room!
Boys: What?!?
They searched the whole house.
Vice Guy 3: S- she isn't here M-Mr. King.
I was pissed. I gave them one thing to do and they blew it.
Me: Well you better get out there and find her, or I will personally kill you myself.
Boys: Yes Mr. King.
I got in their faces.
Me: You better hope she's not hurt.
Then they went to find her. I didn't know what to do so I went out too.
God I hope she's okay.
Ariann's P.O.V.
I was in Freckled Bitch thinking. I was sorta worried about myself. I disobeyed King and snuck out to get a tattoo. And more importantly I've only been in Stilwater a few weeks and hardly know my way around. And there's people out to get me.
God Im so stupid.
I looked on the tv they had there and saw a new report.
Me: There's always something happening here.
'... Thanks Jerry. New breaking reports just in, some members of the popular street gang , ' Vice Kings', are on a destructive crime spree all over Stilwater. We take you to our top news anchor Jane Valderoma in the news chopper. Jane.
Jane: Thanks. As you can see down below two members of the street gang 'Vice Kings', have snapped and caused a massive chaotic outbreak here in downtown Stilwater. The casualty rate is believed to be in the hundreds. And I've just received word that the chief of police had called in the heavy forces to stop the Vice Kings. What a.... wait a second. Oh my lord. It seems they have demolished ' The Pride of Stilwater'. Richard Huge is not going to be happy about this. Back to you guys at the studio.'
...:I can't believe this.
I turned around to see King.
Me: H-Hi
King:Your in allot of trouble.
King:Don't worry about it. Look, if it was one of mine I'll take care of it, but I'm tellin' ya, I don't care what colors they was wearing, it was that crew from Saint's Row I was tellin' you about. No, I'm not makin' any excu-- I will. Tell your wife I said hello. Goodbye, Alderman.
Warren:Great, now we got yo' crack ass friends trippin'. Like I said, fuckin' with City Hall is a waste of time.
King:Wrong. Workin' with them is what gives us power.
Warren:Yo, fuck that. This is what gives us power.
He through a gun on the table. I tensed. King seemed to notice.
King:Get the fuck outta my office.
Warren scoffed and left. Then he turned to me.
King:That stunt you pulled today was reckless and irresponsible.
Me: I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have did it. But I was bored. and the guys were getting on my nerves. I needed to get out.
King: Well you could've been hurt or killed today. And since having people watch you isn't working, you'll be in my sights 24/7, until I say otherwise. Understood?
I nodded. I was pissed, but I knew he only wanted what was best for me.