Chapter 20

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*Cynthia's POV*

I would've tried to see the sunset, but what was the use? Washington was always rainy. I looked around the muddy clearing where a large tent lay messily on the ground, getting dirty and soaked. I was the only one still out.

Shrugging, I walked over to the tent, grabbing one of it's edges and picking it up, struggling to actually fold it. I growled a bit when an edge fell back into the mud, splashing me. The sky was starting to dim, but I could still see my surroundings.

After a while I finally managed to fold it a couple times. It was still too big though. I saw a pale figure in the distance. It looked to be a man walking towards me. They put a hand up and waved.

"Hey! You look like you could use some help?" He offered. Normally, i wouldn't want to inconvienience anyone, but right now... Not going to lie
, this tent was kicking my ass.

I let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank God, yes please! I'm fighting a tent and freaking LOSING!" I laughed. He chuckled and walked over, picking up the opposite edge.

His skin was oddly pale, making him shine a bit in the night atmosphere. He had scraggily black hair and glasses. He wore jeans, a blue tank top, and a white overshirt.

"So... Why are you setting this up by yourself anyway? This looks like a 10 person job... I'm surprised you've gotten this far, honestly!" He exclaimed.

I laughed and shrugged.

"Yeah... I guess I'm just strong, haha!"

"Heh, that's pretty funny. I never knew Dave to be the physically strong type!" He smiled.

I nodded, smiling.

"Yeah, well I guess most of it came from Mom! But that's- w-wait... What did you just say?..." I trailed off, my eyes widening.

He smiled softly.

"I'm surprised you don't remember your uncle John... But then again, you probably never got to see much of me, huh?..." He trailed off. I covered my mouth.

"Y-you're not Uncle John..." I mumbled. "He should be f-fifty... You're like, what? 18?? Y-you're like my age..." I stuttered out, backing away, obviously frightened.

He shook his head quickly.

"N-no! You don't understand! C-cynthia, I felt it when you Godtiered! I sensed it! S-so... I tried it too... And... I guess it changed the age a bit... I-i'm out, though! I'm here! I finally found you!" He said, with a sad voice. He seemed so... Hopeless sounding. Like, it was so hard getting to just this point...

"H-how did you know it was me?... You haven't seen me since I was 5..." I asked quietly. He grinned a bit.

"The four of us always seemed to have a connection... I don't see how you wouldn't be included in that... So! Tell me! Where are the others? Rose? Dave and Jade? I haven't talked to them in forever!"

That's when the whole night seemed to get darker.

"J-john... You don't know?..." I trailed off.

He looked confused and scared at the same time.

"N-no?... What happened..."

"John... Mom and Dad are dead... They died a few years ago, saving me from a car crash... I-i'm sorry nobody told you..." I said quietly.

He looked like his world was crumbling. He began tearing up. He shook his head.

"N-no... That can't be right..." He mumbled. I rushed over and hugged him. So many years had passed. Hell, he had even gotten a new person in general... And he still had the same smell.

We hugged for a while, and he slowly regained himself. He looked so pure when I actually looked at him up close. It's as if he could take someone's breath away. (lol)

He opened his mouth to ask something, but a gasp was heard a few feet away. We turned and saw Vriska, now with a cast on her arm.

She looked afraid as well.

"J-john? MY John??" She asked desperately. Before he could answer, she rushed towards him, hugging him with her good arm. He looked genuinly happy.

"Vriska! I missed you so much!" He exclaimed.

They stood there, hugging and laughing. I frowned a bit.

"John, i'm sure Vriska will let you sleep in her cabin tonight. We can talk more tomorrow, ok? As for me, i'm going to bed... Night Uncle John!" I smiled and hugged him from the side. As I walked away, I stopped and turned back.

"Oh, and Vriska?"

She looked up, eyebrows raised.

"Your 'caring' is showing. I'm sure you don't want to look weak..."

I made my way back to Gamzee's car. Hesitantly, I knocked.

A few seconds past before a weak looking Gamzee opened the door. There were bags under his eyes and his makeup was smeared.

Before I could say anything, he gently pulled me inside, immediatly laying back down on the bed and hugging me tight.

"I'm s-so motherfuckin sorry you had to see that, lil mama... W-when you didn't come back, I was worried you didn't want to see me anymore..." He said sadly. Purple tears filled his eyes.

I shook my head, kissing him softly.

"Gamzee... I'll always be flushed for you..." I said quietly. He gave a small smile and pulled me into his bare gray chest.

That night was spent mostly cuddling. I stayed awake for most of the time, too energetic about actually having my uncle back. Gamzee on the other hand, was dog tired from the fight. He passed out immediatly. I wiggled my way out of his grasp and pulled him close to me, resting his head on my chest. He hugged me in his sleep.

Besides me trying to avoid his horns from stabbing me, I have to say it was a pretty decent night...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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